MUSI 115 Assistant Professor Keith Heimann
My home page is under construction! Search + “keith” “keith heimann” Add to your favorites for the semester.
How to contact me…. My office: PAC 117 My office phone: My
How to contact me, part 2… My office hours Tuesday 4:30-5:30PM Wednesday 9-11AM Friday 9-11AM If my office hours do not work with your schedule, please let me know immediately and we will find a better time!
Additional help….. Learning Assistant – Mike Conklin Librarian – Shay Delcurla
Your address You have a unique address which I will use to contact you. For Example: John Doe = Jane Doe = Double-check your address with me before leaving today!
What you will receive in from me… Notices for upcoming events; Important announcements; Fun, unusual, interesting stuff!
Your text… A-Z of Classical Music 2-CD set 562 page booklet: “The Great Composers and Their Greatest Works” Naxos ISBN: Available at the Brookdale book store and on line.
My “” playlists Or, more specifically: Look for “Music Appreciation MUSI 115”; Add to your favorites. Listen and watch selections weekly. Selections will be included on the tests.
Disclaimer. I am not responsible for vulgar, crude, childish comments that sometimes appear with the clips I have in my playlists. You do not need to scroll down and read any comments. Sound and video quality can vary wildly!
Your final grade…
Your final grade, part 1... Attendance/Class Participation* Attendance/Class Participation 25% of your final grade 15 three-hour classes (except Thursday, November 26, 2009) – or…. 30 ninety-minute classes More class room etiquette rules to follow…….
Attendance and The Binder… Sign in every week by your name. Find your tab and place all assignments behind it. Your responsibility!
Class participation “Do”s… Do… Observe start and stop times; Turn OFF all electronics*; Bring water (closed bottle) only; Take extensive notes*; Ask many questions!
Class participation “Do NOT”s... Do not Use your cell phone or text message; Three strikes! Talk during music and/or lectures; Bring any food or beverage other than closed bottle water into this or any other “Smart Classroom.” (Use Wikipedia!)
Your final grade, part 2… Ten weekly listening assignments 25% of your final grade; #1 is due next week, Thursday, September 17, 2009; The rest are due by, Thursday, November 19, 2009; An excellent example can be found here. An excellent example
Your final grade, part 3… Concert attendance & review 25% of your final grade Due by Thursday, December 17, 2009 (Class #14)
Special tickets at special prices… Information on ticket “deals” can be found here. New Jersey Symphony Orchestra “Class Pass” New! $25 STAR-LEDGER Class Pass Unlimited
Your final grade, part 4 The average score on FOUR tests 25% of your final grade Dates Test #1: Thursday, October 1, 2009 (week 4) Test #2: Thursday, October 29, 2009 (week 8) Test #3: Thursday, November 19, 2009 (week 11) Test #4: Final exam: Monday, December 21, 2009 (week 15)
More information on the tests… The three tests will …. be fully covered by an in-class review the week before; include three essay questions; include selections from our listening; cumulative listening; non-cumulative written.
This course is… A history of “classical” music vs. “Classical” Circa October 31, 1517 – October 10, 1935 Challenging and fun!
We will listen and study…. Major musical compositions from the following eras: Medieval & Renaissance Baroque ( ) Classical ( ) Romantic ( ) and “20 th Century”(1900-present)
This course does not…. require that the student can read music; require that the student has any previous experience with “classical” music; include jazz, Broadway, Rock or country music;
Favorite links….. Here are a few links that I use often. NOTE: I am not responsible for any content found on or linked to/from these or any other links I might suggest. Richard Wagner and Richard Strauss.
Our class time together…. will be primarily spent listening to the music in your text and on my account; Extensive classroom lectures and demonstrations.
Notes…. I don’t have any! Therefore: take extensive notes!
Your time between classes… Reading the assigned pages; Listening to the assigned selections; Watching and listening to the selections.
Help! If (and when) you need help, ask! I am here to help! My door is always open! Ask for the “good news” now!
Safety first… This campus and building; Emergency phones; BCC police;