Field-Trip to the Vernal Pool By: Araceli Morales-Santos
General Description of the Project Herpetology is the study reptiles and amphibians. Such amphibians include frogs and newts and salamanders. This project allowed the class to record information about the frog, and newt populations at the vernal pool.
Vernal Pool Map This is a map of the vernal pool in Efland. The numbers represent the traps that were set in the pool to catch frogs or anything else in the pool to collect data on.
Data Sheet
Vernal Pool Survey This data sheet shows the number of newts or other amphibians that we found in the traps at the vernal pool. The data also shows the mass, total length, and gender of the amphibians.
Surprising findings This is a water snake, it was found in one of the traps when we were collecting data on herps. Our teachers were arguing about what kind of snake it was a.
More surprises Just when we entered the vernal pool one scholar found a green frog. Douglas a student helper is holding it and as you can see the frog is very small.