1 Introduction to Transport iNet John Frodsham January 12 th 2011
2 About the iNet Primary aim to sustain Innovation & Growth by focusing on SMEs across sector supply chains, and collaboration with and between Universities Covers –Aerospace –Automotive –Marine –Motorsport –and Rail Brings together –Businesses –Sector organisations –Universities
3 What does it offer? Free services to help transport sector businesses who want to innovate, including: Specialist advice to assist SMEs with Innovation Help with transfer of knowledge between sub sectors Advice and links to wider business support Impartial and confidential
4 Electrical and Mechanical development and commercialisation of Dual Fuel (diesel:CNG) system for range of CV applications. Reduction of CO 2 emissions by 20% plus bio- methane opportunity
5 Real Route – a real time location & navigation application integrating the entire public transport network and pedestrian provision
6 Collaborative R & D Next Generation Composite Structures from Multi- Architecture Pre-Form Systems Collaboration between Driven by: –aim to reduce hand labour & automate process –interest in out-of-autoclave materials & methods Materials and processes assessed Feasibility demonstrators moulded using vacuum infusion (VAP) & breathable tooling Flexible manufacturing cell established Cost modelling study concluded
7 Car/bus positioning data Real-time Position Congestion Mapping Intelligent Routing System Near Real-time Pollution Measurements CityScan GMES Pollution Forecast Satellite Data Meteorology GNSS Local Model Collaborative R & D Dynamic Traffic Management and Passenger Guidance to Meet the Carbon Challenge
8 Thank you Web: Contact: John Frodsham Mobile: +44 (0)