Connecting for a Resilient America 1 C ONNECTING FOR A R ESILIENT A MERICA Ramesh Kolluru, Ph.D. Executive Director, NIMSAT Institute June 3, 2010
Connecting for a Resilient America To enhance disaster resiliency by Conducting research Developing innovative tools to support homeland security & emergency management Education, training, outreach and operational support Research and consequence modeling Critical infrastructures Supply chains People and communities Mission
Connecting for a Resilient America 3 NIMSAT Institute’s Response to Gustav/Ike Consequence Models for Critical Infrastructures –Post-disaster analysis of 120 petroleum, natural gas, chemical and electricity facilities (CITGO Refinery, Entergy, Henry Hub, LOOP, Port Fourchon, etc.) –Economic impact to Oil & Gas industry: $7.6B - $8.3B Public-Private Partnerships –Mobilized private sector supply chains, as needed: $23.8 million –Enhanced Situational Awareness: shortages of fuel Decision Support Tools –Recommended closures of PODs & Allocation of generators to gas stations
Connecting for a Resilient America Research: Regional CIKR Analysis Performing interdependency and supply chain analysis of all CIKR assets across the Gulf of Mexico region Analyze consequences resulting from hazards to CIKR in support of homeland security and emergency management (HSEM), across the 18 CIKR sectors Collecting asset-level data to be utilized when analyzing consequences Work with local, state and regional HSEM to prioritize CIKR based on risk
Connecting for a Resilient America National/Regional Gasoline Supply Model Two pipelines: Colonial and Plantation. Shortages in Alabama
Connecting for a Resilient America Development: Advanced Technologies Supercomputing, Visualization and GIS Technologies 3D Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis Decision Support Tools and Applications
Connecting for a Resilient America Development: CIKR Economic Impact Based on the “Hazard Profile” (storm surge): Develop predictive and post- event models that quantify economic impact of disruptions to CIKR
Connecting for a Resilient America Development: Fuel Demand-Supply Model Based on Hurricane Evacuation Models: –Develop model to predict gasoline demand by evacuating traffic –Monitor & Mobilize fuel supply chains
Connecting for a Resilient America Development: Points of Distribution Based on the “Hazard Profile”: Determine the need for PODS, optimal locations and phased teardown, based on private sector
Connecting for a Resilient America Outreach: LA BEOC ( A Partnership Of
Connecting for a Resilient America LA BEOC Mission To support disaster management in Louisiana by developing an accurate understanding of economic impacts to critical infrastructures and major economic drivers coordinating businesses and volunteer organizations with the public sector Through the Louisiana BEOC, the State of Louisiana will improve disaster preparedness and response reduce reliance on FEMA and other federal assistance maximize business, industry and economic stabilization return the business environment to normal operations quickly
C ONNECTING FOR A R ESILIENT A MERICA NIMSAT Role: Decision Support Develop models, as illustrated Composite models and provide outputs for “Decision Support” based on best available situational awareness Unified Incident Command Decision Support (UICDS)