What we should do to improve retention and student success at UMKC!!!
Look at the top courses with highest D, F, W rates Evaluate what is happening with the students *sequencing?? *prerequisite knowledge?? *pedagogy??
Look at course sequencing and identify “Gateway” (killer) courses
Course Offerings *Year round offerings – intersessions *D, F, W courses *Predictable summer offerings – “catch-up”/”get ahead opportunities”
*Learning Communities *Living Learning Communities **must have faculty involvement Develop Cohort Programs
First Year Experiences University Level School/College Level
High Impact Learning Experiences Undergraduate Research Service Learning Study Abroad Internships/Practicums
Academic Support Services Supplemental Instruction Tutoring Mandate?? Academic Probation - support
Early Alert System Academic progress Personal/social adjustment ** Must have systematic interventions Advisors are KEY!!
Advising *Developmental *Proactive *Full Academic loads
Campus Climate Everyone takes responsibility for student success Classroom climate – teaching and learning – high expectations for everyone Follow Guidelines for Effective Undergraduate Teaching