Data Set Popcorn Oil amt. Batch Yield plain little large 8.2 gourmet little large 8.6 plain lots large 10.4 gourmet lots large 9.2 plain little small 9.9 gourmet little small 12.1 plain lots small 10.6 gourmet lots small 18.0 plain little large 8.8 gourmet little large 8.2 plain lots large 8.8 gourmet lots large 9.8 plain little small 10.1 gourmet little small 15.9 plain lots small 7.4 gourmet lots small 16.0
Popcorn Example Layout
ANOVA Table Source DF Sum of Squares F Ratio Prob > F popcorn * oil amt batch * batch *popcorn * batch *oil amt popcorn*oil amt popcorn*oil amt*batch
Popcorn Type LevelLeast Sq Mean Std Error Mean gourmet plain
Batch Size LevelLeast Sq Mean Std Error Mean large small
Popcorn*Batch Interaction Plot
How to Test Interaction Means Recode Popcorn*Batch as Trt, i.e. Trt=1 is Plain, Small Trt=2 is Plain, Large Trt=3 is Gourmet, Small Trt=4 is Gourmet, Large
New ANOVA Table SourceDFSS F Ratio Prob > F Trt * oil amt Trt*oil amt
Plot of Means with SD
Tukey Test of Interaction Means LevelLeast Sq Mean 3A B B B Levels not connected by same letter are significantly different.
Plot of Residuals
Normal Plot of Residuals
Test of Normality Goodness-of-Fit Test Shapiro-Wilk W Test W Prob<W Note: Ho = The data is from the Normal distribution. Small p-values reject Ho.
Box-Cox Plot