Unit 4 Belief Systems
Belief Systems Definitions: - Religion - Social Philosophy Beliefs of…. - Animism, Shintoism, Taosim, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, & Christianity Expansion of… - Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, & Islam Map and Timeline
Map of World Belief Systems Confucianism Taoism Christianity Judaism Shintoism Islam Hinduism & Buddhism Animism
Timeline of Belief Systems 2100 1800 1500 1200 900 600 300 300 600 900 1 Animism Hinduism Judaism Christianity Islam Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism Shintoism
Important Terms Religion: - Organized set of beliefs and rituals of a culture - Usually associated with a “god” (diety) or “spiritual force” (worship) Social Philosophy: - A set of guiding principles that a community follows - They have a great influence on how the community behaves
Great respect for nature Shintoism Japan Hinduism India Vedas System Origin Holy Text Main Beliefs Culture Affect Animism Africa ------------ Ancestor Worship; Worship spirits of nature (trees, animals) Great respect for nature Shintoism Japan The Spirits of “Kami” exist in all things including their emperor Great respect for natural world (especially the ruler) Hinduism India Vedas Reincarnation Lead a good life Buddhism India (moved to China) 4 Noble Truths Learn to accept what life brings you Taoism China Tao Te Ching Follow nature: accept things you cant change Don’t challenge the natural process Confucianism Analects All need to accept their role in society Respect for elders, parents, and country Judaism Middle East Torah (Old Testament) 1 God – Monotheism God will send a messiah to save them Follow the 10 Commandments so the messiah will come Christianity Bible (Old/New Testament) 1 God; Jesus is the son of God and the messiah Simple rules won many converts to Christianity Islam Koran (Qur’an) 1 God; Follow Allah; Mohammed is the messiah who spread his word The religion laws of Islam are so important that they become political laws of nations
Expansion of Religion Missionaries Trade Military Conquest Exploration
Buddhism Began in India but was not accepted there (the Hindu social order was too strong) Missionaries: people who spread religion by teaching others about the beliefs
Judaism Kicked out of Palestine by the Romans Removed from Palestine during the Diaspora – the scattering of the Jewish people during the 1st century CE Most Jews went to the cities of Europe where they lived in ghettos, there was much persecution and oppression
Christianity After the death of Jesus, missionaries (disciples) spread his world Roman Empire: Persecuted Christians Slowly accepted Christian ideas Eventually became the official religion Romans spread Christianity throughout the empire
Islam Out of Mecca, east to India, went across North Africa and on into Spain Islam spread by military conquest Arab (Muslims – followers of Islam) were also great traders
Essential Elements of Selected Belief Systems HINDUISM: Important Terms 1. Reincarnation: The belief that the soul comes back in another form after the body’s death 2. Karma: Behavior of a Hindu (Thoughts & Actions) 3. Dharma: The overall values and rules of Hinduism 4. Caste System: The social order of separate castes (classes of people) through Karma – people move up or down the caste system which organized Indian society by the type of job a person held
BUDDHISM: “Four Noble Truths” 1. Everyone Suffers 2 BUDDHISM: “Four Noble Truths” 1. Everyone Suffers 2. Suffering is caused by Desire 3. To end suffering, End your desires 4. To end your desires – follow Eightfold Path to reach Nirvana (State of supreme bliss)
CONFUCIANISM: “5 Relationships” 1. Father to Son 2 CONFUCIANISM: “5 Relationships” 1. Father to Son 2. Older Brother to Younger Brother 3. Husband to Wife 4. Ruler to Subjects 5. Friends = Friends
ISLAM: “5 Pillars of Faith” 1 ISLAM: “5 Pillars of Faith” 1. Recite: Say each day “there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet” 2. Pray: 5 times a day, facing Mecca 3. Charity: Give regularly to the poor 4. Fast: Go without food or drink from sunrise to sunset during the Holy Month of Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage: Try to make a journey (hajj) to Mecca at least once in your life
Essential Questions What concept – important to Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism – has become an important element of Chinese culture? a. They accept what life brings them b. They accept their role in society c. They don’t look for change What do the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have in common? a. All started in the Middle East b. Jerusalem is a sacred city for all three c. Monotheism (belief in one God–same God) d. All follow ethical (morally good) set of rules for behavior
Questions continued….. 3. What are the various methods that were used to spread religions to other lands? a. Missionaries b. Military conquest c. Trade d. Migration - Diaspora – forced (Ex. Jews by the Romans) - Willing – (ex. Buddhism, Pilgrims to America) 4. What are 4 of the main principles of Confucianism? a. Education is important for a well run society b. Government officials should be good role models for society c. Everyone should know and accept their role in society d. Respect your elders (Filial Piety)