FACET Status ESTB 2011 Workshop Christine Clarke March 17 th 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

FACET Status ESTB 2011 Workshop Christine Clarke March 17 th 2011

FACET Status Page 2 The FACET Project Facilities for Accelerator science and Experimental Test beams. FACET ESA ESB

Beam at FACET FACET Status Page 3 At IP FACET uses the first two-thirds of the linac Energy = 23 GeV 3.2 nC Sigma x = 14 um Sigma y = 6 um Sigma z = 14 um minimum (20 um typical) Bunch length can be increased up to a factor of 3 Electrons and positrons

The Facility FACET Status Page 4 Stairway in Sector 19 User Trailer ExperimentsDump Towards end of linac Beam Direction

Plan – THz and IP Tables FACET Status Page 5 Optical Tables for experimenters to mount hardware Optics set up for each experiment Small beam spots in IP region THz Table (Experimental Area 1) IP Table (Experimental Area 2) Beam Direction

THz and IP Optical Tables FACET Status Page 6 THz Table (looking east towards dump) IP Table (looking east towards dump) Photos taken Feb 11 (Mark Hogan) Magnets installed since then.

Current Status Magnets installed in sector 20 – photo taken yesterday: FACET Status Page 7 THz Table (looking east towards dump) IP Table

Plan – Dump Table FACET Status Page 8 Dump Table (Experiment Area 3) Beam size: 55um x 25um

Plasma Wakefield Acceleration FACET Status Page 9 Continuation of very successful FFTB experiments Heat-pipe oven to be installed this summer Lithium metal vaporized at 800ºC Length of plasma controllable by controlling heaters and pressure of helium buffer gas Isolated by Be windows

Plasma Wakefield Acceleration cont. FACET Status Page 10 What is maximum energy gain available? Instabilities? Self-injected particles? Phase One: Begin with single electron bunch in field ionized lithium plasma. Phase Two: Single bunch in field ionized cesium plasma. Phase Three: Use Notch Collimator. Phase Four: Two electron bunches (drive and witness) in field ionized cesium plasma. After first year, pre-ionized plasma, positrons, positrons and electrons.

Smith Purcell FACET Status Page 11 Bunch Time Profile measurements with Coherent Smith-Purcell Radiation Moderate band-width terahertz Beam passes by grating which has a dispersive effect Continuation of experiment at ESA Not sensitive to beam spot size (will be situated upstream of IP). Non-destructive (parasitic running).

Wakefield Acceleration in Dielectric Structures FACET Status Page 12 GV/m class DWA for use in linear colliders and future light sources. Previous work at FFTB/SLAC, UCLA, BNL. High gradient regime at FACET. FACET beam sent through prototype dielectric wakefield acceleration structures. Parametric breakdown studies and lifetime effects. Vary structures (dimensions, materials etc). Use drive and witness bunches to observe acceleration. Use coherent Cerenkov radiation Next year, use protons.

Ultrafast Magnetic Switching Continuation of FFTB work. Change in magnetization of a sample on ultrafast timescales Change pulse-lengths with constant Q - do longer pulse-lengths have more energy deposition? Expose sample to electron bunch Then image with spin-sensitive scanning electron microscope. Different patterns on same film indicate different physical processes. Chaos cannot be explained Need to rule out experimental artefacts. FACET Status Page ps 70fs

Other Experiments Metallic Periodic Structures –Short-pulse, high fields to study breakdown physics. CLIC Studies (letter of intent) –Dispersion-free steering –Accelerating structure Wakefield Studies –Collimator Wakefield Studies THz extraction (expression of interest) –Power meter and thermal camera to measure the THz from the existing FACET bunch length monitor foil. –Extract radiation to an experimental area FACET Status Page 14 30cm High Power test structure (CLIC Studies) Suggested extraction of THz Short Metallic Accelerating Structure

Schedule 2011 Construction Phase 1 will be complete in May. Beam Commissioning starts June 13 th Transitioning to… User-aided commissioning/Experimental program in July and August Users meeting in August Next round of proposals coming up Second SAREC review likely October Construction Phase 2… positron arm of the bunch compressor in S10 Experimental PPS zone FACET Status Page 15

Schedule 2012 and Beyond FACET will run for 4 months each year for the next five years. In 2012 the 4 months are likely to be February - June. Electron beams and positron beams will be available to the experimenters. Sector 20 has areas in which experiments can be installed with good support. Very flexible facility 2013? Phase Three: positron arm of the bunch compressor in S20 (aka the sailboat chicane) for simultaneous electron and positron beams FACET Status Page 16

Summary FACET is a test facility for Plasma Wakefield experiment with flexibility to serve many other experiments. Unique high power beams Installation on track First Beam June 13 th Approximately 2 weeks of beam commissioning User aided commissioning / first science, July and August. New round of proposals for 2012 due (provisionally) October. 4 months of FACET running in 2012 and every year until See you at the FACET satellite Meeting at PAC? Marriott Marquis Tuesday March 29, 2011 from 6:00pm-8:00pm in the Brecht Room on the 4th Floor. FACET Status Page 17