9/10 solenoid case – a snapshot with Transport m. apollonio IC purpose: understand how the beam envelope changes when operating with a reduced solenoid == last coil silenced comment: we may want to know it for future decisions 1MICE Beam Line PC
Dx ~ 11 cm Dx ~ 5 cm Dx ~ 9 cm Dx ~ 4 cm Used transport with (444 MeV/c pions): beamline%20-%20optics/referencedecks&matching.htm CM Transport.FILE1.dat - all DECAY SOLENOID red - reduced DS (9/10) cyan
MICE Beam Line PC This is Kevin Optics for 440 MeV/c protons WITH NO SOLENOID
Clearly removing the last coil from the solenoid introduces a growth of the beta: 0 +(s-s 0 )2/ 0 a linear growth in the envelope However a solution for 440 MeV/c from production to Q6 exists which Produces a decent result. I need to find the TPT deck and have some trials.