Tower Builder Module LC 1: Data Collection LC 2: MATLAB LC 3: SAP LC 4: Subassembly Bracing SAP LC 6: Demonstration LC 7: Presentations LC 5: Full tower Optimization Courtesy of Dr. Kerry Meyers
Today…. Practice Optimization Download lc5_ex.SDB try running the model Use highlighters to identify members Open time to work with your group
Next Week - Demonstration Work w/your group outside of class on your design SAP software: Learning Center, 303 Cushing, 170 Fitzpatrick Use a systematic optimization approach Careful of: Units Material Properties Nodes Consider materials available in your kit
Next Week – Demonstration Equipment No Physical Testing Ask if you want to see the set up to recall how the equipment works we can pull it out Bring your tower pre-built to save time 30 Minutes to run 3 trials Feel free to bring in music 20 Minutes to analyze results Practice before hand 20 Minutes to inventory your K’NEX kits
Peer Evaluation You should have gotten an from CATME…. Login today / create password
Reminders Deliverable GROUP Assignment Turn in 1 copy Keep 1 copy for your reference Prepare for demonstration Bring your camera if you want a picture for your report! Course instructor feedback
Ask questions as you go…
CIF for section 5