Module VI: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms Lesson 4: Deficiency Symptoms of Micronutrients Unit 5: Manganese Deficiency Symptoms After completing this Unit you should be able to answer 1.Under what conditions manganese deficiency results in chili pepper? 2.Describe the leaf symptoms due to manganese deficiency in chili pepper? 3.How the chili pepper plants look in manganese deficient field?
Module VI: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms Lesson 4: Deficiency Symptoms of Micronutrients Unit 5: Manganese Deficiency Symptoms Low availability of manganese is usually associated with alkaline soils (above 7.5 pH) and excess of manganese with acid soils (below 4.5 pH). Incidence of manganese deficiency may result in sorghum crop when grown in alkaline or acid soils.
Module VI: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms Lesson 4: Deficiency Symptoms of Micronutrients Unit 5: Manganese Deficiency Symptoms The symptoms develop on young leaves which may be still emerging from the whorl. Initially, small chlorotic lesions develop between the veins. Small, discrete dark reddish brown or black lesions develop within the chlorotic tissues.
Module VI: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms Lesson 4: Deficiency Symptoms of Micronutrients Unit 5: Manganese Deficiency Symptoms Eventually, these brown or black lesions join together producing brown interveinal stripes over the length affected by the interveinal chlorosis.
Module VI: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms Lesson 4: Deficiency Symptoms of Micronutrients Unit 5: Manganese Deficiency Symptoms With this, the Unit 5 on Manganese Deficiency Symptoms in chili pepper in this Lesson, and also this Lesson on Deficiency symptoms of Micronutrients concludes. The next Module in this Course is about cropping systems in chili pepper cultivation. Please click the “Modules” button to select the Module 7