PDHPE Rational Health is important for everyone in our society; young or old. By beginning the education of personal development, health and physical education early in primary school will encourage the development of healthy citizens who have positive attitudes in our every changing society. Healthy children make for more healthy adults in the future.
Aims of Teaching PDHPE PDHPE is essential in all primary schools. It is fun and enhances the overall physical and emotional development of the children. It is the beginning of the lifelong learning process and the foundation of knowledge and the understanding of skills, values and attitudes which allow for healthy, active and long lives
Knowledge & Understanding for Healthy Living: Growth & Development: -Personal Identity -The Body -Sexuality -Changes -Values Interpersonal Relationships: -Relationships -Family -Communication -Peers -Groups Personal Health Choices: -Decision making -Nutrition -Health Services -Drugs -Environmental Health -Prevention
Safe Living: -Personal Safety -Home/Rural Safety -School/Play Safety -Road Safety -Water Safety -Emergency Procedures Active Lifestyle: -Being Active -Effects of Physical Activity Games & Sports: -Non-locomotor skills -Locomotor skills -Manipulative skills -Games -Athletics -Aquatics -Playing Knowledge & Understanding cont...
Gymnastics: -Locomotor and non- locomotor skills -Elements of movement -Composition Dance: -Locomotor/ non-locomotor skills -Elements of dance -Composition Dance styles By covering all the above 8 strands of the PDHPE syllabus the students will have a strong knowledge and understanding of how to live a healthy life and why it is essential for our society as a whole to have a positive attitude towards living and being healthy. A holistic approach is essential where the school positively promotes everyone’s health and wellbeing encouraging the students to actively achieve a balanced and fulfilled life.