Car In Future Long Sun
Introduction & Background Information The first car is drive by steam engine and made in The first car accident is also happened in same year and same day. It’s cause by steering system fail. From 1894 to 1900, car begin drive by gasoline engine. From 1910, first fire truck had been used in USA
Detail From 1913, the first four door car had been made and sell. In 1918, USA have been had five million car in register. In 1937, the first Volkswagon Beetles have been made and sell. In 1953, the most first car can be run by 264 km/h.
Future Society The energy of car may change to electric or new environmental protection engine. Car may drive more distance. Car may fly and it could destroy the airplane industry. People could travel around the world by car. It will be a lot easier to contact with different culture.
My Own Life I could easier travel out of the country. To keep a car will have less cost because by new energy and new engine. I can find the work in anywhere I want because it easy to got back home.
Sources All my sources by Introduction & Background Information and Detail is came from: tml?fr=ala0