Measuring the Gas in Galaxies in the Distant Past Philip Lah Too late. Here comes the SKA.
Who am I? I am astronomer with a joint appointment at the: National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India and the Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Mount Stromlo Observatory, Australian National University I use both radio and optical telescopes for my research
Atmospheric Transmission Atmospheric Opacity 0 % 50 % 100 % 1 nm 1 μm 1 mm 1 m 1 km Wavelength → ← Frequency radio optical infrared gamma rays, X-rays & ultraviolet
Hydrogen Gas in the Universe
Hydrogen 76% by mass of the baryons – normal matter (that is not the weird stuff – Dark Matter) Neutral Atomic Hydrogen Gas produces emission at a wavelength of 21 cm
Hydrogen Gas in the Universe Hydrogen 76% by mass of the baryons – normal matter (that is not the weird stuff – Dark Matter) Neutral Atomic Hydrogen Gas (HI) produces emission at a wavelength of 21 cm
21 cm Atmospheric Transmission Atmospheric Opacity 0 % 50 % 100 % 1 nm 1 μm 1 mm 1 m 1 km Wavelength → ← Frequency radio optical infrared gamma rays, X-rays & ultraviolet
HI 21-cm Emission From Galaxies
Galaxy M33: optical
Galaxy M33: HI 21-cm emission
Galaxy M33: optical and HI
Galaxy M33: optical
Why Study Neutral Atomic Hydrogen Gas?
HI Gas and Star Formation neutral atomic hydrogen gas cloud (HI) molecular gas cloud (H 2 ) star formation
Redshift, Observing the Past
The Expanding Universe
Hubble`s Law redshift velocity related to distance distance related to age (due to light travel time)
Hubble`s Law redshift velocity related to distance distance related to age (due to light travel time)
21 cm Atmospheric Transmission Atmospheric Opacity 0 % 50 % 100 % 1 nm 1 μm 1 mm 1 m 1 km Wavelength → ← Frequency radio optical infrared gamma rays, X-rays & ultraviolet redshifted
The History of Star Formation in the Universe
Star Formation Rate Density
~10 times current rate
The Amount of HI Gas in the Universe
HI Gas Density
~2 times current density
HI Gas Density
region where I have been working
Current Observations
Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope
Coadding HI signals
RA DEC Radio Data Cube Frequency HI redshift
Coadding HI signals RA DEC Radio Data Cube Frequency HI redshift positions of optical galaxies
Coadding HI signals frequency flux
Coadding HI signals frequency flux z2 z1 z3 z1, z2 & z3 optical redshifts of galaxies
Coadding HI signals velocity z1 z2 z3 flux z1, z2 & z3 optical redshifts of galaxies
Coadding HI signals velocity z1 z2 z3 flux velocity Coadded HI signal z1, z2 & z3 optical redshifts of galaxies
My Current Best Observation
HI blue outside x-ray gas blue galaxies surrounding the core of a large galaxy cluster galaxies observed as they were 4 billion years ago coadding signal from 94 galaxies
HI blue outside x-ray gas blue galaxies surrounding the core of a large galaxy cluster galaxies observed as they were 4 billion years ago coadding signal from 94 galaxies
Future Observations
The SKA and Me SKA`s collecting area 20 GMRT`s collecting area SKA better receivers SKA larger field of view SKA better RFI environment
The SKA and Me my current research looking at galaxies 3 to 4 billion years ago – SKA directly detect HI signal originally SKA proposed to detect HI gas from 8 billion years ago stacking with SKA ~12.7 billion years ago, the era of first galaxies SKA fully operational 2024
The SKA pathfinders
MeerKAT South African SKA pathfinder 13.5 m diameter dishes 64 dishes finished 2014 (2018)
ASKAP 12 m diameter dishes 30 dishes focal plane array finished 2013