IceBridge Science Team Meeting: NSIDC Activities Marilyn Kaminski January 20,
2IceBridge Science Team Meeting January 20, 2011 Data brokering Data ingest/archive: – Ongoing flight campaigns – Pre-IceBridge data Tools & services Value-added products NSIDC IceBridge Data Management Began work March 2010, with tasks broadly defined as: Archive all IceBridge data; only broker related data (e.g. atmospheric chemistry) Also archive flight reports; Level 0 data; ancillary data; broad scope of pre-IceBridge data Better-defined portal to include map-based access using geometry of flight lines More clarity on what will be useful to community, and what is being developed elsewhere
3IceBridge Science Team Meeting January 20, 2011 NSIDC IceBridge Data Web Site
4IceBridge Science Team Meeting January 20, 2011 Team focused on release of ‘09 Greenland campaign data as highest priority in 2010 – Created “FastTrack” process: ingest of data as-is for ftp download, with minimal documentation – Met 8/15 deadline for all data that were delivered to us (12 data sets) – Data is discoverable through NSIDC catalog, GCMD, ECHO; advertised through RSS feeds and Data News page – Established an efficient process for future ingest cycles of data Many lessons learned in Greenland ‘09 ingest; process is becoming smoother over time Instrument teams have been very supportive as we worked through details Progress/Milestones: Data Ingest
5IceBridge Science Team Meeting January 20, 2011 Status: Data Availability √Complete *Waiting for data **Waiting for documentation CrCryosat underflight only (4/20/10) NASA IceBridge Alaska Glaciers (UAF) ICECAP Acc Radar Air Gravimeter ATM Atmos chem (br) CAMBOT DMS Ku-Band Radar LVIS MCoRDS Airborne met PARIS POS/AV Snow Radar Lidar Profiler Lidar Scanner UTx suite L1BL2L1B L2L1B L0L1B L0L1BL2L1BL2L1BL21BL1B Pre-IB In Work √ Gr ’09 ---√√ √--- 1 file√ --√√√- - An ’09 **√√√√√√√-√ PIG data * √√-√√- - In work Al ’ √ √ Gr ’10 **√√√ √√√√Cr√** *√-* - - An ’10 In Work Al ’10 √
6IceBridge Science Team Meeting January 20, 2011 User Metrics: Registered Users *”Distinct Users” = distinct per product, so total number of users is likely less
7IceBridge Science Team Meeting January 20, 2011 User Metrics: IceBridge Web Visits (2010)
8IceBridge Science Team Meeting January 20, 2011 User Metrics: IceBridge Web Navigation (2010)
9IceBridge Science Team Meeting January 20, 2011 Now putting more focus on other tasks … – Engineering for robust archive and full- functionality access by users – Tools & services – Value-added products – Outreach (AGU, CryoSat, EGU, …) … while we continue ingest cycles – Antarctica ‘10 campaign – Remaining ’09, Gr ‘10 campaign data – Other pre-IceBridge data sets Progress/Milestones: Active Work
10IceBridge Science Team Meeting January 20, 2011 Status: Tools and Services Portal Development – Story Maps and strawman interface derived from user model – Working on architecture and database issues as groundwork for prototypes and ongoing iterative releases – Planning iterative reviews with Science Working Group Tools page for user access to file readers and other useful software code (we currently provide ATM readers; community is welcome to send us code)
11IceBridge Science Team Meeting January 20, 2011 Status: Value-Added Products Take it away, Ted!