Music Branding Alex Enriquez Iviee Li Corey Pierce
What is Music Branding? Records, jingles, themes, tunes, a few bars, a beat Music branding has begun since the 1950s, brought on by the spread of television “Bonanza” and “I Love Lucy”
Marketing vs. Branding Music marketing – using music strategically within marketing touch points at an executional level to create richer emotional messages and experiences Music branding – leveraging music strategically beyond marketing to allow for malleability to fit each touch point’s respective emotional need state while remaining on brand Music marketing has been around while music branding is only beginning to be recognized in the marketplace
Examples National Guard & Kid Rock Song titled “Warrior”Warrior Synchronized video Nike basketball commercialcommercial Pepsi – Refresh AnthemAnthem Ice cream truck Hillshire Farm – Go MeatGo Meat
Technology New platforms – CDs, radios, iPods, birthday cards, toys, bluetooth, electronic roadside billboard, downloadable ringtones Digital music branding – consumers can close their eyes but not their ears Muzak – strategic melodies in offices and elevators
Getting in Their Heads Music triggers emotions and product purchase Marketers target audiences by demographics and geography based on genre – hip-hop, rock, blues, country, oldies Cell phones - customized ringtones allow consumers to brand themselves
Artists Influence Michael Jackson, Madonna – Pepsi Frank Sinatra – Michelob (1988)Michelob Otis Redding – aging boomers Ray Charles – Diet Pepsi (1991)Diet Pepsi Chris Brown
Marketing Tool Orchestrating the application across different platforms, live and digital Choose relevant song Long-term equity Distinct, ownable, supports and reinforces the brand’s value proposition
Britney Spears and Planned Parenthood Britney Spears- “I’m not that innocent” “ooh Baby baby, how was I supposed to know….that something wasn’t right yeaaahh….” Planned Parenthood “For when something isn’t right, or you don’t know come to Planned Parenthood!”
Other Potential Matches Kanye West- “Looking extra fly” Dolce and Gabbana Sunglasses “in D&G sunglasses” Usher feat. Young Jeezy “Love in this this Club” Trojan Condoms- “Never hit the club with out one!”
References Don’t Turn a Deaf Ear to Music Branding Youtube Videos: Warrior - Nike - Pepsi - Hillshire Farm - Michelob - Diet Pepsi -