By: Adrianna Frazier Gloria Essien 1
Chronic respiratory disease Inflammation of the air ways Effects the bronchi, bronchioles and lungs Effects: Wheezing Coughing Difficultly breathing 2
A health condition or disease that is higher for one group than the general population Such as: Race Age Sex dis·par·i·ty (n.); 3
More common in African-Americans in Massachusetts Dates back to 800 B.C. Mentioned in Homers’ “The Iliad” "Invented” in 400 B.C.: “asthma” - “to pant” 4
Respiration – Essential for life Airways and bronchial tubes carry oxygen through: Nose and mouth Trachea Lung cavity Bronchi Bronchioles Nasal cavity Mouth Trachea Lung Cavity 5
Allergic Triggered by allergens Exercise-Induced Strenuous exercise Nocturnal Bed allergens Occupational Chemically-Induced Steroid-Resistant Over dose 6 5. Retrieved from adult-asthma/.
In Massachusetts, more than 9.8% of people have asthma [1] 4.18% of those are African American Minorities – Low income – Poor Quality Care Effects Treatment Plans [6] Prevention Communication Issues Reason for disparity remains unknown 7 1. Gold, D. Population disparities in asthma. (2005) Annual review of public health. 26: retrieved from udy_to_evaluate_asthma_therapies_in_black_patie nts/content=0902j84c487e588440a0
8 3. Retrieved from
Pollution/Environmental conditions Urban areas in Massachusetts [1] Lack of access to quality healthcare Little acknowledgement of severity of symptoms [6] Poverty[4] Affordability/Cost Limits quality of healthcare 9 1. Gold, D. Population disparities in asthma. (2005) Annual review of public health. 26: Retrieved from 6. retrieved from
Children from birth to 17 years old Why? Smaller airways Second-hand smoke Environmental conditions 3 rd leading cause of hospitalizations Deaths are rare - rate increases with age Castillo, R., Jordan, M., Tan, L., & Williams, T. Prevalence of asthma disparities amongst African- American children. (2010) p1-2.
Most important: prevent severe asthma attacks Peak Flow Keeps asthma under control Get smart: Trigger prevention Correct /constant use of medication Bronchodilators Inhalers medication 11
July no more inhalers- Interferon [8] June Bronchial Thermoplasty [7] 12 7.retreived from ealth/article /Breakthrough- asthma-operation-burns- away-lung-tissue-radio- waves.html 8.retrieved from eleases/2010/07/ htm
Lowell Center/Toxic Use Reduction Institute [9] Education for people Chemical and environmental exposures Improve technology and products Strategic Plan for Asthma in Massachusetts [9] State plan Understanding role of primary prevention Strategies to replace chemicals that induce asthma ma/state_plan.pdf
Prevalence of asthma in African- Americans is most likely due to poverty Lower socioeconomic statuses Poor living and environmental conditions Lack of access to quality healthcare 14
1. Gold, D. Population disparities in asthma. (2005) Annual review of public health. 26: Castillo, R., Jordan, M., Tan, L., & Williams, T. Prevalence of asthma disparities amongst African-American children. (2010) p Graham, T. MassCOSH. (2010, March 6). Asthma report. Retrieved from 4. "Types and causes of asthma - health & wellness -" (2011). Retrieved from 5. Vermillion, F. (19 Mar. 2010). Causes of adult asthma | - lose weight & get fit with diet, nutrition & fitness tools. Retrieved from asthma/. 6. Therapy times, Harvard initiates study to evaluate asthma therapies in black patients, (2011), retrieved from _therapies_in_black_patients/content=0902j84c487e588440a
7. Sophia Borland, Radio wave surgery gives hope to thousands of asthma sufferers, (June 2011), /Breakthrough-asthma-operation-burns-away-lung- tissue-radio-waves.html 8. Science daily, (July 14, 2010), Interferon might help asthma patients breathe easier, tm 9. Government, ( ), Strategic Plan for Asthma in Massachusetts, /state_plan.pdf 16