關永才 (介紹環境及個體生態) 林良恭 (族群生態及種間互動 4/1) 孫義方 (群聚生態及生態系 5/13)


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Introduction to Ecology: Historical Foundations and Developing Frontiers Chapter 1 Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for.
Presentation transcript:

關永才 (介紹環境及個體生態) 林良恭 (族群生態及種間互動 4/1) 孫義方 (群聚生態及生態系 5/13) 生態學 Ecology 關永才 (介紹環境及個體生態) 林良恭 (族群生態及種間互動 4/1) 孫義方 (群聚生態及生態系 5/13)

Chapter 1: The nature of Ecology

Overview of Ecology Ecology: Study of relationships between organisms and the environment. Simple definition does not convey the extreme breadth of this discipline.

Organisms interact with the environment in the context of the ecosystem Biotic factors Abiotic factors Figure 1.1

Ecologists use scientific methods Ecology: Study of relationships between organisms and the environment. Wide variety of approaches. Large temporal and spatial scales. Field Lab Observational Manipulative

實驗性研究分兩類: 相關性分析(Correlation analysis) 操縱性實驗(Manipulative experiment)

相關性分析(Correlation analysis) 研究兩個或更多變數(variables)的相關性 例: 期中考成績和溫習功課時間的關係 例: 期中考成績和吃零食多寡的關係

期中考成績和溫習功課時間的關係 。 。 。 。 成績 。 。 。 。 溫習功課時間 (小時)

期中考成績和吃零食多寡的關係 。 。 。 。 成績 。 。 。 。 吃零食量 (包)

相關 不一定等於 因果 !!!!!!

操縱性實驗(Manipulative experiment) 設控制組及實驗組 儘量維持兩組的條件相同,只留下一個可改變的條件

個案1: Ecology of Bumblebees

Ecology of Bumblebees Bumblebees live in many cool regions. Heinrich estimated energy budget of individuals foraging on different flowers and under different temperatures. Energy Gain / Loss Energy Intake - Energy Expenditure.

個案2: Ecology of Forest Birds Robert H. MacArthur

Ecology of Forest Birds MacArthur studied ecology of five species of warblers in spruce forests in N.A. Theory predicted two species with identical ecological requirements could not coexist indefinitely.

Warbler Feeding Zones

個案 3: Forest Nutrient Budget: A watershed (集水區) approach

Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest

Forest Nutrient Budgets Likens and Bormann estimated 90% of nutrients in a New Hampshire forest were locked up in soil organic matter. Approximately 9.5 % was tied up in vegetation. Streamflow output amounted to < 1%.

個案4:Vegetation Change: Pollen Records Many environmental changes occur over large spatial or temporal scales. Davis monitored plant pollen deposited in lake sediments in the Appalachian Mtns. Documented large temporal changes to nearby plant communities.

Vegetation History from Pollen Sediments

古海洋生態學 研究:矽藻 (彰化師大 王瑋龍攝)

(彰化師大 王瑋龍攝)

個案五: Landscape Ecology 地景生態學

破碎化棲地 (fragmentation of habitats):八卦山台地

Review 個案1: Ecology of Bumblebees 個案2: Ecology of Forest Birds 個案3: Forest Nutrient Budgets 個案4: Vegetation Change 個案5: Landscape Ecology

生態學萬歲! 謝謝!

Hypothesis testing Figure 1.6