Shahar Dobzinski (Hebrew U) Ariel D. Procaccia (MS Israel R&D Center)
Set of voters {1,...,n} Set of m alternatives {a,b,c...} Each i has linear order < i over alternatives Preference profile: a vector < of rankings Voter 1Voter 2Voter 3 a b c a c b b a c 2
Voting rule: a mapping f from preference profiles to alternatives; designates winner f is strategyproof (SP) if <, i, < i ’ f(< i ’,< -i ) i f(<) f is dictatorial if i s.t. <, f(<)=top(< i ) Theorem (Gibbard-Satterthwaite): Let m 3. Any SP and onto rule is dictatorial. 3
[BTT89] Circumvent G-S using Computational Complexity Many worst-case hardness results Are there voting rules that are usually hard to manipulate? Recent typical-case tractability results: Algorithmic [PR07,CS06,ZPR08] Descriptive [PR07b,XC08] 4
“Randomized algorithm”: choose a random manipulation Given “reasonable” voting rule, works with polynomially small prob. w.r.t. “many” preference profiles Good prob. of success by repeating [FKN08] This is true for neutral voting rules if m=3 [XC08b] This is true, under arguable conditions on voting rule, for any constant m 5
f is -strategyproof if i, Pr[ f(<) < i f(< i ’,< -i ) ] f is -dictatorial if i, Pr[ f(<) top(< i ) ] f is Pareto-optimal (PO) if [ i, y < i x ] f(<) y Main Theorem: Let n=2, m 3. If f is PO and -SP, then f is poly(m) -dictatorial. 6
Voter 1Voter 2 a a a a c c d d e e c c d d e e b b a a a a b b 7
Comparison with [FKN08] Future work: Prove general theorem (duh...) 8