Solomon Galindo Lily Lin Katherine Yuen
B ACKGROUND Co-founded in 1937 by Jack Green and Joe Lewis and is headquartered in Mayfield Village, Ohio Progressive is one of the largest auto insurers in the United States Offers its services through the Internet or by phone and through independent insurance agents
M ARKETING C AMPAIGN Flo, a fictional cashier on TV commercials where all the customers decide to buy Progressive policies Start Date: January 2008 Recently signed to do 12 more ads
H ELP F LO Contest to compete for a chance to appear in a national ad for progressive with Flo News Report
C AMPAIGN E FFECTIVENESS Since the introduction, the percentage of quotes completed on the website has risen as much as 130% Between January 2008 and November 2009 Brand awareness increased 5% Brand consideration rose 23% Brand impression rose by 18%
R ELATING TO C LASS Personal Selling Advantages: Two-way interaction with prospect Seller involved in purchase decision Message can be tailored to recipient Personal Selling Disadvantages: Messages may be inconsistent Personal Selling vs. Advertising
S OURCES “Help Flo” Campaign /09/progressives_flo_takes_on_geik.html