Risk Management at Oregon State University Presented by: Joyce K. Fred, Risk Officer MBA, MPA, ARM November 19, 2008
Risk 101 What is Risk? Exposure to the chance of injury or loss Basics of Risk Management Avoidance Control Prevention and/or Reduction Transfer Insurance Contracts and/or Waivers
Insurance 101 Self insured through DAS Risk Mandated by Oregon Revised Statutes Assessed for prior losses Risk Charges ( 84% - $8M in 07-09) Purchased policies by DAS only i.e. Special Events – Daycare – Research Vessels
Property 101 Owned or leased buildings Contents and Vehicles Special Collections, Equipment (i.e. IT) Goal: to restore to the same condition State Deductible - $1.5 Million OSU Deductible - $2500 (generally) Equipment Breakdown - $25,000 Report ALL losses under deductible Stop Tag Program
Liability 101 (Negligent acts) Oregon Tort Claims Act (ORS to ) $50,000 Property Damage $100,000 Bodily Injury (Additional $100,000 available) $500,000 per occurrence N/A out of state or in Federal Courts or Internationally Clarke vs. OHSU Known hazards
Facility Use Facility use agreements (risk transfer) Inter-departmental Non-OSU entity use or activities i.e. Conferences $1M liability required Alcohol use Security
Vehicle Use Authorized drivers University/student employees Temporary staff/faculty Students participating in an officially sanctioned program Officially appointed volunteers Federal, State, County, & City employees Completed Driver Authorization Form and has met Minimum Standards for Drivers (outlined on form)
Vehicle Use (cont) Personally Owned Vehicles Rental Vehicles - Enterprise Contract vs. Others Prohibited uses Transporting family members, friends, pets, minors, hitchhikers, observers, ride-alongs Personal use (including to/from home) Use that is not in course/scope of duties Consuming/possessing alcohol, smoking, and illegal drugs Transporting firearms, unless for state business Granting use to an unauthorized driver
Volunteers Agents of OSU - under OSU direction and control Protected under Tort Limits (incl Defense for claims) Eligible for Vehicle Use Eligible for Volunteer Injury Coverage Does the volunteer qualify for Volunteer Injury Coverage Students Non-compensated Position description No cost Up to $25,000 limits Excess over personal insurance Must apply PRIOR to Injury
Alcohol Limited to Beer and Wine Registration w/i 3 weeks of event Pre-approved locations LaSells Stewart Center CH2M Hill Alumni Center Valley Football Center Reser Stadium International Forum in Memorial Union Agricultural Experiment Stations Served only by Licensed and Insured Vendors Insurance Coverage Donated alcohol outlines the process and OARs ( )
Property Claims Reporting Contact the Office of Risk Management Earliest is best DPS or Facilities not responsible Complete Claims Form For Vehicles, refer to Accident Report Packet Obtain documentation about the incident and damages Photos Witness Info Police reports 2 estimates of damages Reminder: Loss of use
Liability Claims Reporting Injured parties Refer to Office of Risk Management Do not admit negligence or liability University will NOT contact the injured party Obtain documentation about the incident Statements Contact info for witnesses Injured party info Refer all 3 rd party insurance carriers to Office of Risk Management or General Counsel
Claims of Severity Contact Office of Risk Management immediately Refer to Emergency plans Emergency Response Adjusters and Claims Teams Recovery and Continuity Keep DETAILED records Receipts Time
Questions?? Joyce K. Fred, Risk Officer Office of Risk Management 644 SW 13 th St Website: risk.oregonstate.edu