1-2 Remember, we are picking teams today. Be prepared to do this first thing.
1-3 Does Robin Hood have a mission? If so, what is it? What EXTERNAL factors/conditions, happening outside the organization, are present? What INTERNAL factors/conditions, happening inside the organization, are present? What alternatives does Robin Hood have? Which of these should he pursue?
McGraw-Hill/Irwin ©2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, All Rights Reserved The Business Strategy Game Overview and Orientation
1-5 What Is The Business Strategy Game All About? It’s an online, PC-based exercise where you run an athletic footwear company in head-to- head competition against companies run by other class members. The marketplace is worldwide—production and sales activities can be pursued in North America, Latin America, Europe-Africa, and Asia Pacific There are 12 market segments—4 geographic segments each for branded footwear sales to retailers, for online footwear sales direct to consumers, and for private-label sales
1-6 Your Company’s Situation All companies start out on the same footing—with equal sales volume, global market share, revenues, profits, costs, footwear quality, and so on. Each decision period in The Business Strategy Game represents a year. The company you will be running began operations 10 years ago, and the first set of decisions you and your co-managers will make is for Year 11. The company had Year 10 revenues of $238 million, net profits of $25 million (equal to $2.50 per share), an ROE of ~17%, and a solid B+ credit rating. Your company is in sound financial condition, is performing well, and its products are well-regarded by the buyers of athletic footwear.
1-7 The Decisions You Will Be Making You and your co-managers will make decisions each period relating to Corporate social responsibility and citizenship Production of branded and private-label athletic footwear (maximum of 4 plants) Plant capacity additions/sales/upgrades Worker compensation and training Shipping Pricing and marketing Bids to sign celebrities to endorse your company’s footwear Financing of company operations Plus there is a screen for making annual sales forecasts and deciding whether to have inventory clearance sales
1-8 Competition Is Head-to-Head: Company Against Company The head-to-head competition among companies to persuade consumers to buy their brand of athletic footwear is based on 10 factors: Price Number of models/styles Styling/quality (S/Q) rating Advertising Size of retailer network Celebrity endorsements Delivery time Retailer support Mail-in rebates Shipping charges (Internet sales only)
1-9 You Have Many Strategic Options Company managers have wide strategic latitude in staking out a market position and striving for good performance. There’s no built-in bias that favors any one strategy. Companies can pursue a competitive advantage keyed to low-cost/low-price or top-notch footwear features and styling or more value for the money. Companies can have a strategy aimed at being the clear market leader in (a) selling branded footwear to retailers or (b) selling directly to online buyers or (c) both. Companies can put as little or as much emphasis on producing private-label footwear as management prefers. Companies can focus on one or two geographic regions or strive for geographic balance. Companies can pursue essentially the same strategy worldwide or craft slightly or very different strategies for each geographic region.
1-10 No One Strategy Is “Best” Most any well-conceived, well-executed competitive approach is capable of succeeding, provided it is not overpowered by the strategies of competitors or defeated by the presence of too many copycat strategies that dilute its effectiveness. In other words, which strategies deliver the best performance hinges on the strength and interplay of each company’s strategy and decisions against the strategies and decisions employed by rival companies— there positively is no mystery “silver bullet” strategy or decision combination that players are challenged to discover.
1-11 A Company’s Competitive Effort vis-à-vis Rivals Is Crucial All the sales and market share differences among companies are attributable to differing competitive efforts on price, S/Q rating, advertising, models offered, delivery times, retailer support, and so forth. Hence, every company’s strategic challenge is to craft a competitive strategy (consisting of its prices, S/Q ratings, advertising, models, delivery times, retailer support, and so on) that it believes will produce the desired sales and market share outcomes when pitted against the competitive strategies of rival companies, region by region.
1-12 The Contest in the Marketplace Is a “Battle of Strategies” Following each year’s decisions, you’ll be provided with Competitive Intelligence reports containing information of the actions rivals took to capture the sales and market shares they got. Armed with this information, you will be in pretty good position to figure out some of the strategic moves that rival companies are likely to make in the upcoming decision period. Just as in sports where it is customary for every team to scout its next opponent thoroughly and develop a game plan to defeat them, you will need to scout the strategies of rivals, try to judge what they will do next, and come up with a competitive strategy of your own aimed at “defeating” their strategies and boosting your company’s performance.
1-13 Outcompeting Rivals Is the Key to Market Success You’ll have to stay on top of changing market and competitive conditions, try to avoid being outmaneuvered and put into a competitive bind by the actions and maneuvers of rival companies, and make sure your footwear is attractively priced and competitively marketed. Just as you are trying to win business away from rival companies, some or all rivals are certain to be actively striving to take sales away from your company. It is the competitive power of your strategy vis- à-vis the competitive power of rivals’ strategies that is the deciding factor in determining sales and market shares.
1-14 It’s All About Developing Winning Strategies The Business Strategy Game is all about practicing and experiencing what it takes to develop winning strategies in a globally competitive marketplace. When the exercise is over, the only things separating the best-performing company from those with weaker performances will be the caliber of the decisions and strategies of the management teams of the respective companies. It’s an exercise calculated to spur competition and to get your competitive juices flowing.
1-15 Some Features of the Market and Company Environment The industry setting in The Business Strategy Game is modeled to closely approximate the real-world character of the globally competitive athletic footwear industry. The functioning of the marketplace in The Business Strategy Game mirrors the competitive functioning of the real-world athletic footwear market, thus allowing you and your co-managers to proceed rationally and logically in deciding what to do. Company operations are designed to be as realistic as possible Operations are patterned after those of an athletic footwear company that makes its footwear at company-operated plants. All cause-effect relationships and revenue-cost-profit relationships are based on sound business and economic principles.
1-16 Some Features of the Market and Company Environment (cont.) The whole concept underlying The Business Strategy Game is to put you and your co- managers in as realistic a company and competitive market setting as possible and have you manage all aspects of the company’s operations This allows you to test your ideas about how to run a company in a competitive marketplace And you will be provided prompt and detailed feedback on the outcomes of your decisions.
1-17 PC Requirements and Mechanics Virtually all BSG activities take place online, on a PC that must be installed with both Internet Explorer and Microsoft Excel (either the 2000, XP, 2003, or 2007 versions). You can either use the same PC for all BSG sessions or you can use different PCs; all that is required is an Internet connection, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Excel. BSG-Online automatically transfers the needed software from the BSG server to the PC you are working on very quickly (within a couple of minutes even on a slow connection); when you exit a session, your work is saved and transferred back to the server. The last decisions saved to the BSG server at the time of the decision deadline are the ones used to generate the results.
1-18 How Company Performance Is Judged Board members and shareholders/investors have set five performance objectives for the company: 1. Grow earnings per share at least 7% annually through Year 15 and at least 5% annually thereafter. 2. Maintain a return on equity investment (ROE) of 15% or more annually. 3. Maintain a B+ or higher credit rating. 4. Achieve stock price gains averaging about 7% annually through Year 15 and about 5% annually thereafter. 5. Achieve an “image rating” of 70 or higher (a company’s image rating is tied to the styling/quality of a company’s branded footwear, market share penetration, and its actions to display corporate citizenship and social responsibility).
1-19 Scoring Weights The weights that will be placed on your company’s achievement of each of the five annual performance targets are as follows: EPS10% ROE10% Credit Rating30% Stock Price25% Image Rating25% Note this is a change from the manual
1-20 The Two Scoring Standards Two scoring standards are used in calculating “performance scores” for each company: The investors expectations standard (Did you meet or beat the annual performance targets for each of the 5 performance measures?) The best-in-industry standard (How well does your company’s performance stack up against the company with the best EPS, ROE, stock price, and image rating and against an industry-best A+ credit rating?) The scoring standards are explained in the Player’s Guide and even more fully on the “Help” screens for pp. 1, 2, and 3 of the Footwear Industry Report where the company scores are reported.
1-21 The Quiz There is one “open book” 20 multiple-choice question quiz built into the exercise. The quiz is taken online and scored immediately upon completion: Quiz 1: Covers the Player’s Guide—its purpose is to spur you to read and absorb how things work in preparation for managing your company. Time Limit = 45 minutes. Click on the links for the quizzes on your “Corporate Lobby” web page for more information—the three sample questions for the quiz give you an idea of what to expect.
1-22 The Peer Evaluations At the middle, and at the end of the exercise, you will be asked to complete a 12-question evaluation of each of your co- managers and a self evaluation of your own performance. These are completed online and can be reviewed by clicking on the Peer Evaluation Link on your Corporate Lobby web page. The peer evaluations are for your instructor only and are completely confidential.
1-23 What You Can Expect to Learn Running the athletic footwear company in head-on competition with rivals will give you a chance to put into play the very kinds of things you are reading in the text about crafting and executing strategy in a globally competitive marketplace—there is a very tight connection between the text for the course and The Business Strategy Game. You and your co-managers will have to chart a long-term direction for your company, set and achieve strategic and financial objectives, craft a strategy, and adapt it to changing industry and competitive conditions. You’ll have to wrestle with a full array of industry statistics, company operating reports and financial statements, and an assortment of benchmarking data and competitive intelligence on what rivals are doing. You’ll have to match strategic wits with the managers of rival companies, "think strategically" about your company's competitive market position, and figure out the kinds of actions it will take to outcompete rivals. Learning to do all these things and gaining an appreciation of why they matter are the heart and soul of courses in business strategy.
1-24 What You Can Expect to Learn In addition, The Business Strategy Game is designed expressly to provide you with an experience that will: Draw together the information and lessons of prior courses, consolidate your knowledge about the different aspects of running a company, and provide a capstone experience for your business school education. Deepen your understanding of revenue-cost-profit relationships and build your confidence in utilizing the information contained in company financial statements and operating reports. You’ll see why you cannot hope to understand a company’s business and make prudent decisions without full command of the numbers—it won’t take you long to appreciate why shooting from the hip is a sure ticket for managerial disaster. Provide you with practice in sizing up a company’s situation, making sound, responsible business decisions, and being accountable for delivering good results.
1-25 How Do You Register and Get Started? The registration process consists of five steps: Step 1: Have your assigned company registration code handy (this code is used to put you into the database for this specific course and to certify you as a co-manager of your assigned industry and company). Your instructor provides this code. Step 2: Go to Step 3: Click on the “Create Student Account” button and enter the company registration code provided by your instructor in the box. Step 4: Continue on to the next step of the registration process where you will need either a credit card or a Prepaid Access Code that came on a card bundled with your text.
1-26 Registration Codes 8:00AM Team A DNM-A Team B DNM-B Team C DNM-C And so on… 10:00AM Team A DNM-A Team B DNM-B Team C DNM-C And so on… Noon Team A DNM-A Team B DNM-B Team C DNM-C And so on…
1-27 How Do You Register and Get Started? Step 5: Complete the personal registration information (user name, password, and so on) and the credit card payment process (if not using the Prepaid Access Code on the card bundled with your textbook). The Web site for credit card payment is fully secured; you will receive a receipt . If you have no credit card or Prepaid Access Code, the easiest way to complete this step is to arrange to use a friend’s or co-manager’s credit card and reimburse them directly with cash or a check. Once you are registered, you will have full use of the student portion of the BSG Web site and access to all of the materials and information you will need.
1-28 The Corporate Lobby Page Each time you log-on to you are automatically routed to your company’s “Corporate Lobby” web page. The Corporate Lobby page is your gateway to all BSG activities. Near the top of this page is a series of menu selections that provide instant access to all the necessary information, materials, and tools you will need: The Player’s Guide Decision Schedule Assignments Support Company Name Below these menu items are (1) a Decisions and Reports box for accessing the decision entry screens and viewing reports, (2) a message center box, and (3) information showing the latest exchange rate adjustments, current interest rates, and a company performance scoreboard. You have anywhere, anytime access to your Corporate Lobby page from any PC that is connected to the Internet.
1-29 Creating a Name for Your Company Shortly after registering, you and your co-managers should decide on a name for your athletic footwear company. Your company’s name must begin with the letter of the alphabet that you have been assigned. Names can be up to 20 characters. To name the company, click on the Company Name menu item near the top of the Corporate Lobby screen and enter your company’s full name in the space provided. All company names are “public” and appear in the Footwear Industry Report; thus you should select a name that you are proud of and that reflects the image you want to project to your customers, shareholders, other company stakeholders, and the general public.
1-30 Some Procedures Check the Decision Schedule link on your Corporate Lobby page for the dates and deadlines for the decisions. The decision deadlines are strictly enforced, since the results are processed automatically on the BSG servers minutes after the deadline. The results of each decision will be available after the start of the next class period. You will be notified via as soon as the results are ready. At that point you can log-on, see what happened, and proceed with the next decision.
1-31 Tips for Success Follow the Suggested Decision Procedures (see the Support menu on your Corporate Lobby page) Learn as much as you from the practice decision(s) --- become fully acquainted with all the menus and how things work on the screens Make full use of all the “Help” sections for each decision screen—these provide full explanations of the factors surrounding each and every decision entry and provide all kinds of tips and suggestions to guide your thinking. Make full use of the “Help” sections for the Company Reports, the Footwear Industry Report, and the Competitive Intelligence Reports—these screens provide essential details of what the numbers mean, how they are calculated, and how to use the information to good advantage.
1-32 Tips for Success Run the company in a serious, professional manner. The overriding purpose of The Business Strategy Game is to give you practice in making business decisions, learning to craft winning strategies in a competitive market, and being held fully accountable for the results of your actions—just as managers in the real-world are held accountable for the performance of the companies they run. Be very wary of trying something that is imprudent or highly risky or un-businesslike (things that would get a manager fired in a real company). Students who resort to trying to “game the system” usually shoot themselves in the foot. This is not the time to be a daring adventurer out to win some variant of a videogame by making wild decisions or extreme decision entries.
1-33 Game Specifics
1-34 Plants Currently 2M in NA, 4M in Asia Available in EuroAfrica and Latin America Tariffs $8 into Asia $6 into LA (unless from NA) $4 in EU
1-35 Distribution Wholesale market Online sales Private label sales
1-36 Demand is Growing Branded in near years NA & EU – 5-7% Asia & LA – 9-11% Private Label in near years NA & EU – 10% Asia & LA – 10% Intense competitive can increase demand, weak competition can stifle growth Demand in the future is uncertain. Future growth projections will be announced in the FIR. In general, analysts believe that growth in demand in the long run will fall.
1-37 Materials Costs Standard and Superior materials Select a percentage of each used in each plant $6 for standard, $12 for superior e.g. 50/50 would be $9 Price will rise/fall based on demand If global production rises/falls above/below 110%/905 of global capacity Costs rise 2% for every 1% use above 50% Costs fall.5% for every 1% use below 50% No inventory of material
1-38 Exchange Rate Impacts Adjustments occur when: Shoes shipped from one region to another When sales are made in non-NA markets as all financials are converted into dollars. No exchange rate effects in year 11 They will commence afterwards; rates taken from the most recent close in real financial markets.
1-39 What Drives Sales In Branded Markets? Price S/Q rating Breadth of product line Advertising Mail in Rebates Celebrity Appeal Delivery time Sales Support Retailers Effectiveness of online sales Loyalty
1-40 Implications There are many ways to compete There are many levers to pull The “BEST” strategy is one which maximizes the combined benefits of these factors while not spending too much to obtain their benefit.
1-41 Making Decisions Each team member has access to your team’s decisions. Each of you are logging into the same decision data. The last saved decision, from any team member, is the current set of decisions
1-42 CSR & Citizenship Green footwear materials Recycled packaging Energy efficiency improvements Charitable contributions Ethics training/enforcement Workforce diversity All of these effect your Company Image Ongoing efforts gain greater rewards than token gestures
1-43 Branded Sales Forecast You MUST make a sales forecast. Sales forecasts are then used to drive all sales, cost and revenue projections. If you are too conservative You might suffer stockouts and lose potential sales If you are too aggressive You will carry inventory and your costs per unit will be far higher than anticipated
1-44 Plant Capacity Decisions No Selling Existing Capacity Overtime up to 20% additional production EuroAfrica & LA (add from 1 to 2M) Takes a year to come online Add capacity to existing facilities 100K to 50% of existing capacity Must justify increase Takes a year to come online Upgrades A – Reduces reject rates by 50% ($2.5 per M) B – Reduced set-up costs by 50% ($8 per M) C – Boosts SQ by 1 ($7 per M) D – Increases productivity per worker by 25% ($3.5 per M) Takes effect year ordered; can’t do during construction 2 upgrades per facility Expected costs savings per year are shown
1-45 Branded Production Decisions (for each plant) % of Superior Materials Models – 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 350, 500 Higher setup costs Styling/Feature per model TQM/Sigma 6 – (0 to 2.50 per shoe capacity) Each plant gets an S/Q rating each year Branded market measure is a function of the pro-rated rating of every shoe in inventory Shoes from different plants Shoes remaining in inventory Production See page 18 in manual for important explanation Diminishing returns and current expenditures
1-46 Branded Production Decision (per plant) Compensation Raise or lower wages +2% increases productivity (15% max) Cuts lower productivity Incentive per pair produced Increases productivity (up to 25% of total comp, max at 50%) Training per employee Lowers rejects Improves S/Q Lowers material waste Increases productivity Total compensation relative to others in region Rejects a function of incentive pay, TQM, training, and styles
1-47 Branded Distribution (for each plant) Once shoes produced, where will you ship them? Factors to consider S/Q Delivery times (1-4 weeks) Avoiding stockouts Inventory costs ($1/year and 1 S/Q point) Exchange rates Shipping to warehouse - $1 in region, $2 across Shipping to retailers - $2 to $1 per shoe
1-48 Internet Marketing Price $150 max Should try to stay at least 40% wholesale price Retailers might refuse to stock your shoes next year Number of models offered Max is the minimum models offered in any one market $15K for each model offered online Delivery - $10 or free SQ, advertising, and celebrities also drive sales $1.25M to run website You can block internet sales in any/all markets
1-49 Marketing Decisions Price Advertising Rebates ($1 to $10 per shoe) High rebates are more often redeemed Outlets How many willing SQ, market share, support, delivery, Internet price from LAST YEAR Retailer Support ($100 to $2.5K) Delivery, 1 to 4 weeks $0.25, $0.75 cents, $1.50 and $3,00
1-50 Celebrity Bids Potential to sign celebrities to endorse your shoes, each with a regional appeal Payton Manning big in US, not so in Asia 500K minimum Place cap on total dollars spent Cancel contracts your paid too much for Rank order your bidding Ties go to the team that needs it the most
1-51 Private Label Private label is a closed bid sales segment Choose superior usage & styling/features specification to calculate an S/Q. Use capacity not dedicated to wholesale production to make PL shoes Ship PL shoes to the PL market you wish to compete in Choose price (must be $5 below retail price) Lowest priced lot sold first. Sales continue until entire demand for PL shoes is fulfilled.
1-52 Finance & Cash Flow 1, 5, 10 year bank loans (7%, 7.5% & 8.0% base interest rates) Repayment of loans Dividends per year Stock Issue Stock Repurchase
1-54 Special Reports Footwear Industry Report Competitive Intelligence Reports Company Reports
Some of the information here is good, right on. Some of the information is completely flawed Why? I’ve changed the weights for scoring Credit Rating, Stock Price, and Image are more important than straight returns of EPS and ROE which tended to reward size Costs and rates within this industry will change Tradeoffs between different strategies and choices will be completely different I’ve altered the demand weights, and each of the 4 markets has a unique demand curve, which may change with notice during the game What was important in other industries might not necessarily be so here.
1-56 Near Term Schedule Quiz – Before Friday, January 14 th, 1:59PM Practice Decision 1 – Sunday, January 16, 11:59PM Practice Decision 2 – Wednesday, January 19, 11:59PM Real Decision 1 – Sunday, January 23, 11:59PM