o Improv gives students a chance to think on their feet. o Students will improve their cooperative skills by working together. o Improv is FUN! o This link will provide teachers wide a wide variety of theatre and improv games to play with their students
Students gather in a circle. One person begins holding an imaginary ball. That person should imagine the ball’s size and weight. THROW THE BALL (to someone). The person who “catches” the ball will change the size and the weight before they throw it to the next person.
Circle up! Have each student give an excuse as to why they can’t come to work. Boss, I cant come to work today because… Alligators attacked me. My boat sunk. Students should make excuses up in alphabetical order.
o Students will be split into equal groups (2-4 groups). o Each group will get a piece of paper describing a scenario that does not have an ending. o It is the students responsibility to create the ending to the scene. o Don’t give the students too much time to plan and discuss. A lot of this scene is supposed to be improv.
Bringing improv into your classroom can be a really enriching experience. Guide your students in their discovery with improv but make sure they’re making their own choices. Remind your students to go with their gut instinct and not to over think things. HAVE FUN!!