UMMS CRIT Teaching & Leadership: Conflict Resolution Gerry Gleich, MD University of Massachusetts Division of Geriatrics
UMMS CRIT 2010 Teaching & Learning: Conflict Resolution Advancing Geriatrics Education (AGE) A UMMS initiative funded by the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation You receive an angry page from one of the discharge planning nurses. She has been asking your intern for the discharge paperwork for this patient since yesterday, and is furious that the intern has been rude and dismissive. She wants you to “deal with it”. There have been “issues” with this intern before…
UMMS CRIT 2010 Teaching & Learning: Conflict Resolution Advancing Geriatrics Education (AGE) A UMMS initiative funded by the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation The chief resident has a unique position- EVERYONE will come to you with issues (real or imagined) for you to fix – residents, nurses, faculty Conflict Resolution: The Role of the Chief Resident
UMMS CRIT 2010 Teaching & Learning: Conflict Resolution Advancing Geriatrics Education (AGE) A UMMS initiative funded by the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Far side cartoons ( ) retrieved April 15, 2010 from
UMMS CRIT 2010 Teaching & Learning: Conflict Resolution Advancing Geriatrics Education (AGE) A UMMS initiative funded by the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Chief Resident Conflict Resolution: The Role of the Chief Resident Patient AdvocateResident Advocate
UMMS CRIT 2010 Teaching & Learning: Conflict Resolution Advancing Geriatrics Education (AGE) A UMMS initiative funded by the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Conflict Resolution: A Survival Guide Rule #1: Always get the whole story Rule # 2: That means a first hand account of ALL sides, if possible Rule # 3: Identify the “real issues”
UMMS CRIT 2010 Teaching & Learning: Conflict Resolution Advancing Geriatrics Education (AGE) A UMMS initiative funded by the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Not every battle has to be your battle Do not confuse “venting” with “real issues” Take notes BE FAIR BE CONSISTENT Conflict Resolution: A Survival Guide
UMMS CRIT 2010 Teaching & Learning: Conflict Resolution Advancing Geriatrics Education (AGE) A UMMS initiative funded by the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Listen Don’t take sides It’s usually a communication thing… “Do the right thing for the patient” Conflict Resolution: A Survival Guide