Four Beast Coming up out of the Great Sea
Security System since 9/11
Chart of Future Events
Map of the Mediterranean Sea
THE VISION Daniel 7:1-8
Image of Chapter Two
The Second and Third Scenes of the Vision. Scene # 1 - The Vision of the Throne Room and the Destruction of the Beast. (Vv ) Same scene as Rev Scene # 2 - The Son of Man given the Kingdom which will not pass away. (Vv )
The Explanation of the Vision Daniel’s desire to know the meaning of the meaning of the fourth beast. (Vv ) The Angelic Explanation. (Vv ). The Strength of the Beast. (V. 23, 7, 19). The Conquests of the Beast. (V. 23, 7, 19). The Emergence of the Little Horn. (Vv. 24, 8, 20, 24.). The Blasphemy of the Little Horn. (V. 25a, 8ff). The Persecutions of the Little Horn (V. 25, 21)
The Final Judgment of the Little Horn. Vv. 26; Rev. 19:20
The Establishment of the Worldwide Kingdom of Christ and His Saints. V. 17, 27