JAPANESE MEDICINE By Ping T. Chong Ashley Greer Sabrina Olkeriil
What is KAMPO? Kampo is a traditional Chinese medicine in which Japanese adopted and study. Unique herbs medical system and diagnosis “Kampo (also written Kanpo, Kampo is the older transliteration) literally means the Han Method, referring to the herbal system of China that developed during the Han Dynasty.” By Dharmananda
Shen Nung-god of farming and botanical medicine in China. Tasted hundreds of plants Ingested poisonous plants 70 plus times a day Led to knowledge of medicinal properties of herbs Able to treat diseases Practice acupuncture and moxibustion and herbs. (Shen Nung )
Kampo Medicine in Japan Kampo medicine came to Japan during the 7th through 9th Centuries. Jian Zhen introduced Chinese medicine Number of Japanese took interest in learning The Xinxiu Bencao (Newly Revised Materia Medica) also known as the Tang Bencao, Tang Dynasty Materia Medica, 659 A.D.), Japanese Health Ministry used this book to study in 787 A.D. 844 medicinal substances weren’t available in Japan Yasuyori Tamba, author of Ishimpo (984 A.D.) Oldest Japanese book Contained 30 individually titled scrolls
Two School of Kampo in Japan The Goiseha School Founded by Sanki Tashiro (1465-1537) After 12-year’s of visit, he built this school Encountered powerful influences such as Jin-Yuan Influenced by leading physcicians of Jin-Yuan Li Gao (1180-1251) Zhu Danxi (1281-1358 Both founders of Spleen/Stomach school and Nourishing Yin School Expansion begun during 16th century, continion until the 17th century Manase Dosan (1507-1594) Student of Sanki and most important figure Wrote Keitekishu Founded Keiteki-In, private medical school in Kyoto
Kohoha School (School of Classical Formulas) Led by Zou Shu (1790-1844), author of Ben Jing Shu Zheng) Opposed the Jin-Yuan medical knowledge Replaced the Goseiha School Emphasized the teachings of Shanghan Lun and Hejiju Fang Key features was matching a symptom and sign complex Large formulas were made Gong Tingxian (1522-1619), important influence Made larger herbs Made Kampo well-established in Japan
Japanese Acupuncture Acupuncture is an age-old, East Asian form of treatment where needles are inserted to specified points along meridian lines to influence the restore balance to the flow of qi. Japanese acupuncture use finer needles for relaxation which are inserted beneath the skin with a small tube for guidance. Touching is emphasized in the pre-exam of Japanese acupuncture in order to determine proper needle insertion points and treatment strategy Acupunturists study TCM and Western medicine for 3 years giving them the skills to diagnose and treat patients in different.
Herb extracts paste for external use Herbal Medicine Plants contain phytochemicals that have effects on the body Animal products are used in Chinese and Kampo formulae. Dried seahorses, buffalo and rhinoceros horn, and bees are widely used to cure diseases or maintain overall balance of Qi. There are many ways to use herbal medicines. The most common ways are pills, cook with other food, reduced-herbal broth, and made into herb extracts paste to apply on skin or wound. Herbal science is broadly taught around the world. Herb extracts paste for external use Herbal Medicine Shop Dried Seahorse
Western Medicine and Kampo Theories of traditional Chinese medicine assert that the body has natural patterns of qi that circulate in channels called meridians in English. Symptoms of various illnesses are often believed to be the product of disrupted, blocked or unbalanced qi movement (interrupted flow) through the body’s meridians, as well as deficiencies or imbalances of qi. (compare back to sci. ppt.) Qi/氣 & Five Movements/五行 Four Humours
East Meets West Bloodletting & 放血 West: Bloodletting East: 放血 Theory Temporarily reduce blood pressure by reduction in blood volume. Open blockage allowing blood and Qi to circulate through the entire body. Promoting the balance of Five Movements. West: Bloodletting East: 放血
REFERENCE: Biology of Plants and the Study of Botany [Plants for food/medicine]. (September 6, 2007). February 18, 2010: (http://www.clt.astate.edu/mhuss/toppage6.htm) China Picture Moment: Traditional Chinese Medicine- Cupping [Acupuncture]. (08/08/2007). February 18, 2010 (http://www.oneinchpunch.net) Chinese Herbal Medicine in Japan [Park Acupuncture]. (2008). February18, 2010, (www.oneinchpunch.net/.../) Dharmananda, Subhuti., 1985, Kampo Medicine: The Practice of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Japan. Institute of Travel Medicine, http://www.itmonline.org/arts/kampo.htm How does it work? [Natural Skin Care]. (No Date). February 18, 2010: (www.samsonandrhodes.com/index.php?p=1_33) Japanese Acupuncture Style [New England School of Acupuncture]. (No date). February 18, 2010. (http://www.nesa.edu/japanese_acupuncture_styles_jas.html) Kampo. (2010, January 15). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 23:03, February 19, 2010, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kampo&oldid=337959488 Medicinal Herbs [Better Health Naturaly]. (October 7, 2007). Februaru 18, 2010, : (betterhealthnaturally.wordpress.com/.../herbs/) Tanaka, Tim H., 2010, History of Kampo. Kampo Japanese Traditional Medicine and Therapeutics, www.http://kampo.ca/history.shtml.