Is a cloud just a cloud? Different types of clouds in the sky indicate different types of weather.
Cumuliform/Cumulus White & Puffy. Look like cotton balls. Indicate fair (nice) weather.
Cumulonimbus Dark thunderstorm clouds. Sometimes called “thunderheads.” Lightning, thunder, hail & tornados Usually form in summer Very large and tall clouds
Stratiform/Stratus Flat & layered like a blanket Indicate a change in weather Stratonimbus or Nimbostratus: Rain or snow
Stratonimbus or Nimbostratus These are rain or snow clouds. Rain if the temperature is above freezing (above 32 degrees F) Snow if the temperature is freezing or below (32 degrees F).
Cirrus Thin wispy clouds high in the atmosphere Made of ice crystals
Cloud Prefixes Cumulo: Big, Puffy Strato: Flat, layered Cirro: Thin Alto: High Nimbus: Rain, snow