INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR FACULTY: WHY IT’S IMPORTANT Kerri Spiering, Ph.D. Associate Vice President Equity, Diversity & Global Outreach February 18, 2010
Students and Study Abroad ACE data show that between 50-75% of first years want an international experience Their parents want them to go Most students can actually afford to go Their employers want them to have global competencies But nationally only about 3% of students study abroad
Why Don’t More Faculty Participate? Lack of tenure and promotion policy Lack of room in the curriculum “Expertise anxiety” vis à vis: –Program design and management –Unfamiliarity with culture –Ignorance/lack of knowledge/misinformation
North Dakota State University Mission: With energy and momentum, North Dakota State University addresses the needs and aspirations of people in a changing world by building on our land-grant foundation
North Dakota State University Vision: We envision a vibrant university that will be globally identified as a contemporary metropolitan land-grant institution
Equity, Diversity & Global Outreach The division is charged with working to elevate the university's current international initiatives and programs and develop new ones, enhance the university's global recognition and strengthen the university's activities and policies on international research and education.
Global Outreach Making this vision a reality has required a multifaceted approach and the development of an appropriate infrastructure. Efforts to meet these objectives are ongoing.
Fulbright Program Traditional Fulbright Program: Distinguished Chairs Program, Specialist Program:
Traditional Fulbright Program Lecturing, Research, Lecturing/Research Competition is open, Deadline is August 1 Package includes stipend, in-country living allowance, travel for grantee Stipends and benefits vary by country
IREX Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Short-term Travel Grants Program U.S. Embassy Policy Specialist Program
Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Provides students, scholars, and professionals with support to perform policy relevant field research Visa assistance, intl roundtrip transportation, monthly housing allowance, and living expenses Can do research in up to 3 countries for 9 months Application deadline is November 17, ms/uss_iaro.asp
Short-term Travel Grants Program Supports postdoctoral fellows and professionals Conduct research in Eastern Europe and Eurasia on issues relevant to the U.S. government Research conducted in up to 2 countries for 8 weeks Visa assistance, intl roundtrip transportation, housing allowance, living expenses ms/uss_stg.asp
U.S. Embassy Policy Specialist Program Provides U.S. Scholars with the opportunity to serve as researchers in residence at U.S. Embassies in Eurasia 1-2 months Research area is determined by Embassy Visa Assistance, intl roundtrip transportation, housing, and monthly living stipend grams/uss_eps.asp
NDSU Has global partnerships in 35 countries around the world.
NDSU University Partnership Opportunities China India Kazakhstan Kenya Korea Nigeria Turkey Uganda
Korea Chungnam National University: Summer program; Provide airfare, housing and small salary Chonbuk National University: Summer program; Provide airfare, housing and small salary
Kazakhstan Ph.D. Committee Member –Funding for student to come to US once –Funding for faculty member to travel to student’s university twice Partner Institutions: Almaty Technological University, Eurasian National University, Kazakh National University, Kazakh National Agrarian University
Hosting Opportunities Kazakhstan’s Bolashak Science Intern Program Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program, Fulbright Scholar in Residence Program, Occasional Lecture Fund, Scholar Rescue Fund,
THANK YOU Kerri Spiering, Ph.D., Associate Vice President Equity, Diversity & Global Outreach