School of Medicine Research Roadmap October 24, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

School of Medicine Research Roadmap October 24, 2011

Progression of the SoM Research Roadmap From CONCEPTION …………..To FINAL ROADMAP DOCUMENT Strategic Initiatives Developed by Collaborative Research Leadership (December 2010) Strategies Developed by Task Forces and Steering Committee (January-April 2011) Draft Report Submitted to Dean Richardson (June 2011) Reviewed and Revised by Dean Richardson and Task Force co-chairs (August 2011) Final Draft of Research Roadmap completed (October 2011) Launch of Research Roadmap by Collaborative Research Leadership (October 2011)

Strategic Initiatives 1. Identify and invest in areas of research strength that make best use of School of Medicine resources to advance human health and well-being. 2. Advance School of Medicine capacity in translational research. 3. Promote research excellence through effective organizational systems and infrastructure. 4. Enhance training, career development and mentoring opportunities for the next generation of biomedical researchers. 5. Promote, nurture and support a professionally rewarding culture for researchers at OHSU. 6. Increase awareness, appreciation and understanding of the value of research at OHSU to both internal and external stakeholders and the public.

Next Steps? Creating a “Research Blueprint” Implementation of strategic tactics Integration across the roadmap Evaluation and assessment of progress and goals.

School of Medicine Research Blueprint What is the Research “BLUEPRINT”? The BLUEPRINT is a guide for practical implementation of strategies and tactics for each strategic initiative. Implementation plans will be reviewed annually, updated and evaluated for outcome progress. Developed by faculty and staff with input from content experts. Evaluated annually to determine resource needs and integrated with ongoing OHSU-wide initiatives. Staged implementation according to SoM strategic priorities and resource needs.

School of Medicine Research Blueprint Council for Research Opportunities and Strengths (CROS) CROS Charge Develop and apply principles for resource allocation to and investment in distinctive and emergent research areas. CROS Composition Leaders and faculty representing the breadth of the School of Medicine’s research mission. CROS Membership Determined via a mix of permanent positions, appointments by the Dean of the School of Medicine and positions elected by a School of Medicine faculty vote.

Quality and reputation of certain graduate programs is very high Too many graduate programs Better integration of graduate programs with medical/physician training needed Remove multiple barriers to “cross-training” Develop tuition model that allows students access to all programs Training grant/fellowship funds should support graduate programs Organize services/training for topics that cross all graduate programs Summary of task force review

School of Medicine Research Roadmap Who will continue to develop the Blueprint? Collaborative Research Leadership Associate Deans for Basic and Clinical Science Aided by Chris Wallace and many others… Dean’s office VP for Research office

School of Medicine Research Roadmap Plans for Communication to the Faculty: “Toolkit” (ppt slides, roadmap initiatives/document) Website Articles and regular updates in SOM Research Voice, FPP/Clinician Commons, monthly SOM News Blueprint will be continuously updated

Special thanks Collaborative Research Leadership Strategic Task Force Members Chris Wallace and David Heil for guiding roadmap planning Roadmap Document Assembly team: Kathleen McFall, Elaine Rowzee, Chris Wallace Rachel Dresbeck, Mary Stenzel-Poore, Eric Orwoll Bobby Heagerty for planning festivities tonight