Please sit in your online discussion groups (A-F) Updates & News Today’s Focus: Taking Stock: Our Guiding Questions Tensions of Knowing & Trusting
1.What does it mean for a group to learn? 2. What are the key dynamics that support or thwart group learning? 3. How can leaders support group learning? Taking Stock: Revisiting Our Big Questions
Which one holds more stuff? Taking Stock: Revisiting Our Big Questions
Readings: Knowing & Trusting in Communities Discussion of Readings What are 3-4 key ideas? What are 2-3 connections/differences? (Create and answer a third question that seems most interesting to your group)
For next week... - Article summaries up by Tues - Upcoming: Tensions of Belonging & Leading - Readings for next time (Slavin, Scardamalia, Turner & Krechevsky, Felps et al.)