STATISTICAL LEARNING 1. Introduction and Administration
Welcome “Statistical Learning” Tue 14:15-16:45 Room 031 Instructor: Sasha Apartsin Course Web Page Slides, References etc.
Prerequisites Linear Algebra Matrices Vector Spaces Basic Probability (Must!) Random Variables Distribution Functions Conditional Distribution Expectation and Variance
What is Machine Learning? Based on E Alpaydın 2004 Introduction to Machine Learning © The MIT Press (V1.1) 4 Need an algorithm to solve a problem on a computer An algorithm is a sequence of instructions to transform input from output Example: Sort list of numbers Input: set of numbers Output: ordered list of numbers Many algorithms for the same task May be interested in finding the most efficient
What is Machine Learning? Based on E Alpaydın 2004 Introduction to Machine Learning © The MIT Press (V1.1) 5 Don’t have an algorithm for some tasks Example: Tell the spam for legitimate s Know the input (an ) and output (yes/no) Don’t know how to transform input to output Definition of spam may change over the time and from individual to individual We don’t have a knowledge, replace it with data Can easily produce large amount of examples Want a computer to extract an algorithm from the examples
Course Structure First half Presentation of key concept and techniques Hopefully guest lecturers from the industry on use of Machine Learning for real-life problems Slides will be available on course web page Second half Student presentations of various applications of machine learning (e.g. face recognition, speech recognition, OCR, recommendation systems etc.) List of recommended subjects/references will be published soon
Course Grade 45%: Extended summary of the subjects presented during the first half of the course In groups of 3 16 chapters of the textbook=>16 summaries In Hebrew, no cut and paste Concise, informative, self-contained clean presentation Submission deadline: day of the last Send by in word format Same grade for each member of the group Bid for a chapter starting today
Course Grade-Cont’d 45% :Student presentation of advanced subjects In groups of 3 20 minutes for presentation + 10 minutes for Q&A Clean, concise, informative Every member of the group should talk List of recommended subjects/papers/references and instructions will be published soon Submit( ) PPT after the lecture Efficient usage of presentation time is a major grading factor Individual Grades Bid for a time slot (last 5 lectures) starting from today 10% : presence and participation during the second half of the course.
Some Random Points Balance between technical depth and important concepts/ideas Some math/technical details is inevitable Single 15 minutes break at 18:30