Undergraduate Student Academic Success: A Self-Study Campus Forums, October 4-5, 2011
National Context 2 Delta Cost Project: Compete to Complete: Ohio, 2011
Ohio Context 3 Center on Education & Workforce, Georgetown University, Compete to Complete: Ohio, 2011
Ohio Context Import to export ratio Net in% students attending in state OH0.76-4,70983% IN2.01+8,32387% MI0.67-4,01688% IL0.90-3,04576% IA ,19886% MN0.76-3,36076% Nation ,15382% Responding to Constituent Needs in a Changing Climate, Midwest Higher Education Compact, State Report, Ohio , p 10.
5 ORC-Chapter …. Legislation A state university... [other than Youngstown, Shawnee and Central State]... may delay admission for or admit conditionally an undergraduate student who has successfully completed the Ohio core curriculum if the university determines the student requires academic remedial or developmental coursework.…. [emphasis added]
University of Akron Context Annual % change 4-yr % change UA10,46410,35610,30410,80410, CSU10,32110,76411,47411,81312, KSU9,4398,7448, ,30228 YSU9,6939,66210,05810,4519, BGSU9,8109,9889,4379,6049,381-5 UT10,03910,03210,24810,64810,43514 OSU10,60910,67110,99312,01212, Cost and State Support per FTE (adjusted for inflation) USO, HEI, Standard Report
Undergraduate Admissions Admission is necessarily limited by the university’s capacity to provide for student’s educational objectives. The university reserves the right to approve admission only to those individuals whose ability, attitude and character promise satisfactory achievement of university objectives. [emphasis added] 7
Goals of This Self-Study Challenge perceptions regarding student academic success Create an opportunity for campus-wide discussions leading to decisions about practices and policies: – Pathways to majors – Admissions (including directly to majors, pre-majors program, probationary and transfers) – Student advising and support Contribute to our Higher Learning Commission re-accreditation efforts 8
9 Discuss cohort students (FTFT) Develop a new academic preparation/performance measure Discuss student population as a whole Develop a new progress to degree/persistence measure Discuss pathways to majors and changes in policies and practices to enable student academic success Self-Study Perspectives
Measures of Potential Academic Success Academic Preparation Measure = ACT Score Academic Performance Measure = UA GPA Move to a Combined Inclusive Approach 12
A New Measure Academic Preparation/Performance Measure = ACT Score x UA GPA ACT Score = 19.8 (reflects UA avg. grad. rate) UA GPA = 2.8 (reflects UA avg. grad. rate) 19.8 x 2.8 = 55.4 Re-scale so value of 5 reflects UA avg. grad. rate 14
Total Student Population Analyses Compared to FTFT Cohort Students More inclusive and comprehensive picture of preparation and performance –Includes all students not just first-time, full-time bachelor’s seeking students –Academic success affected by all departments/units not just those involved in general education delivery and freshmen orientation/advising 16
How Should We Focus our Student Academic Success Efforts? New first-time full-time student cohorts OR All students enrolled Fall to Fall 18
22 Fall 2010 What distribution would you expect? % of All Students Region 1 Region 2 Region 3Regions 2&3 Transferred to UA 10%27%63% 90% Adults 24%26%50% 76% Lived on Campus 11%29%60% 89% 12%29%59% 88% Started at UA Part-Time 12%28%60% 88% Pell Eligible 19%33%48% 81% Remedial 27%43%30% 73% Under-represented 30%39%31% 70% Re-admits 44%43%13% 56%
23 Where Do Region 1, 2, and 3 Students Begin Their Studies?
24 Numbers of Students by Region (Fall 2010 – College of Declared Major or Undecided) Region 1Region 2Region 3 Arts & Sci C & P Arts Business Education Engineering HS & HS Nursing Summit/UV Wayne
25 What is the distribution of Region 1, 2, and 3 students by type of degree earned?
28 How well do Region 1, 2, and 3 students succeed from Fall to Fall?
29 Earned a UA Degree Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 22% Return 48% Return 53% Return Do Not Return 4% 5%8% <1%7%14% 70%36%29%
What Matters? Retention Rate –Percentage of FTFT Fall Cohort Freshmen that return the following Fall semester OR Persistence –Percentage of all Fall UG students that return the following Fall semester (minus graduates) 30
The Right Measurement? Retention and/or Persistence Rates Retention (%) Persistence (%)
Timely Graduation Progress to Degree – credit hours earned Fall-to-Fall as a fraction of those needed to attain a degree in 4-yr (i.e., 32 credits/yr) Combine with Persistence – Fall to Fall enrollment of all students (minus graduates) 32
34 How Do We Distribute Our Scholarship Support? - Changes to Encourage Academic Success and Progress to Degree of Continuing Students - Changes to Enhance Academic Success of New Students
The University of Akron’s Potential for Change 36
Pathways to Majors Explore partnerships/deferred enrollment/dual enrollment options with Stark State College, Lorain County Community College, and others Delineate roles of Summit and University Colleges Define expectations for Wayne College and additional locations (Medina, Lakewood, etc.) Implement on-line and bridge programs 37
Comprehensive Overhaul of Admissions Directly to Majors (Region 3 students?) Pre-Majors program (Region 2 students?) Re-admission of probationary students (value?) Transfer students (good standing?) Adults (different model?) – Aptitude tests, ACT exams, etc. – Summer bridge programs – Performance and progress to degree contracts – Targeted and intensive advising – Declaration of vs. placement into major – Other possibilities 38
Improving and Enhancing Student Success: Policy & Practice Considerations Improving and Enhancing Student Success – Only Region 3 students can enter a major Performance based scholarships Stipulated contacts with advisors – Admit Region 2 students into a pre-major program Career aptitude testing Performance contracts – Create a pathway for Region 1 students Performance-based admissions (associate’s degree and 2.8 GPA) 39
Improving and Enhancing Student Success: Policy & Practice Considerations Continued Impact – Increased number/% of bachelor’s degree completers – Increased number/% of associate’s degree completers – Revenue neutral to the greatest extent possible Overall Effect – Reputation enhancement – Market impact – Align with renewed branding strategies 40
41 U.S. News Rankings What Factors Contribute to Top 200? Total Non-Resource Based = 66% – Academic Reputation – 23% – Student Profile and Performance = 43% Graduation Rate - 16% ACT Top and Bottom Quartiles – 8% Graduation Rate Performance – 8% Top 10% of HS Class – 6% Retention Rate – 4% Acceptance Rate – 2%
What is next? 42 Continued discussions with campus constituencies and the Board of Trustees Enrollment strategies – This month Scholarship strategies – November, 2011 Summit/UV decision no later than June, 2012 HLC Self-Study document due Fall 2012
Questions and Answers Discussion 43