SWOT Analysis
Budget Development – Tony Asti Diversity/Inclusion – Norma Chandler Environmental Health and Safety – Scott Meeks Food Service – Sandy McDill Fundraising Development – Julia Devous Occupational Capital – Mary Lou Mosley Technology Coordinating Team – Jon Storslee
Diversity/Inclusion – Norma Chandler Environmental Health and Safety – Scott Meeks Technology Coordinating Team – Jon Storslee Occupational Education – Mary Lou Mosley
Planning Process Technology & Occupational Capital budget allocated to extend 1-2 years beyond end of Bond Occupational Capital supports instructional programs in occupational areas Good Utilization of Technology Safety Equipment: IP Based CCTV cameras, Emergency Phones, building access systems, RAVE Text Messaging in emergency calls students/employees cell phones, Voice notification system, AED units in some buildings
Bond funds running out! Minimal Plans for Post Bond Funding Need more disability resources such as adaptive technology Need to consider GLBT concerns in all buildings (i.e. showers and restrooms for Transgender) Personal for new buildings not funded fully (Public Safety and Technology staff)
Tuition increase Technology fee for classes
What will happen if legislature passes weapons on campus bills New HLC and Department of Education requirements What effect will budget problems present to safety on campus? Disability funding from state State funds cut
Relying on technology to solve problems rather than personnel Social networks for MEMS and emergency notification Use Online Resources for Safety Awareness Stricter Accountability, Completion & Accreditation Requirements Funding for Special Needs being cut by State & Federal Government
Additional CCTV security cameras Video conferencing software/LD classes Install LED’s lights in parking lots (Brighter) Automatic External Defibrillators for all facilities Set aside a $3 million to fund technology & $3 million for non-tech occupational needs for post bond Properly Staffing of new facilities Segways for moving between buildings fast! Buy Willie & Kate a Wedding Present