What is music? Music is the deliberate organization of sounds by people for other people to hear.
Melody, rhythm and harmony •These are the three basic elements composers use to organize and express their ideas.
Melody Pitched sounds arranged in musical time in accordance with given cultural conventions and constraints. Uses various combinations of steps, leaps and repeated notes
Elements of melody Pitch – highness or lowness of a note Interval – The distance between any two pitches Phrase – A musical statement generally longer than a motif, but shorter than a period Dynamics – loudness or softness of a note
Rhythm Beat – pulse of the music Rhythms – subdivision of the beat Measures – a grouping of beats, a way in which rhythms are organized Meter – number and length of beats within each measure Syncopation – Accented notes that do not fall on the downbeat or strong beat of the measure Tempo – speed, the number of beats per minute
Harmony A combination of melody and its accompaniment Scales – group of notes arranged in a specific intervallic sequence Chord – formed when three or more different notes sound at the same time Cadence – Conclusion to a phrase, section or piece of music based on a melodic formula, harmonic progression or dissonance resolution Texture – describes the way in which different musical sounds are combined