Forestry Group Erica McClaren February 23, 2010
Forestry Group Staff Section Head – Ron Diederichs Senior Biologist – Dave Donald (Acting) Ecosystem Bio (NICC) – Mac Willing Ecosystem Bio (CRFD) – Erica McClaren Ecosystem Bio (SIFD) – Darryn McConkey Ecosystem Bio – 0.5 FTE (GIS) – Linda Sinclair Ecosystem Bio – 0.5 FTE – Mary Jo Hamey
Forestry Group Duties FRPA Implementation Wildlife Habitat Area (WHA) establishment and administration Ungulate Winter Range (UWR) establishment and administration IWMS policy implementation Species at Risk management EBM (focal species) Implementation Provincial Parks and Protected Areas Conservation Other: COS and MOFR C&E Support, RMCP, Timber Supply Review, Fish and Wildlife Branch support, FREP
Wildlife Habitat Area Update SpeciesNumber Northern Goshawk12 Keen’s long-eared myotis 1 Grizzly Bear3 Marbled Murrelet60 Table 1. Legally established WHAs for the Campbell River FD Total short-term THLB budget (1%) for WHA establishment in CRFD = 2490 ha. Approximately, 1111 ha short-term THLB remaining. Total long-term THLB budget (1%) for WHA establishment in CRFD = 2514 ha. Approximately 1624 ha long-term THLB remaining.
Wildlife Habitat Area Update Marbled Murrelets Ongoing planning in all forest districts in conjunction with OGMA planning Northern Goshawks Will continue to pursue WHAs, where appropriate, to broaden distribution, especially on mainland coast Red-legged Frogs – ongoing inventory Over 150 water bodies inventoried across Vancouver Island since WHAs established on VI, more to come Northern Pygmy Owls – ongoing inventory WHA proposals will come after another year of inventory Other IWMS species Great Blue Herons, Keen’s long-eared Myotis
Ungulate Winter Range Update Approved UWR packages in: TFL 25 Blk2 (U1-003) for deer and goat TFL 39 Blk2 (U1-004) for deer and elk Strathcona TSA (U1-005) for deer, elk and goat TFL 19 (U1-014) for deer and elk Proposed UWR package in Phillips for goat under negotiation Continue to review applications for boundary adjustments
WHA/UWR Information MOE Authorities under FRPA Approved and Proposed WHAs bin/apps/faw/wharesult.cgi?search=wlap_region&wlap=Vanc ouver%20Island bin/apps/faw/wharesult.cgi?search=wlap_region&wlap=Vanc ouver%20Island Shapefiles available in imap or mapview from the lrdw in: Folder: Fish Wildlife and Plant Species Layer: L_Wildlife Habitat Areas - Proposed - Vancouver Island Region Approved UWRs:
Wildlife Information Species Inventory Database (SPI) Wildlife inventory data Query using Species Inventory Web Explorer: Ecocat – Ecological Reports Catalogue: Conservation Data Centre Information on species and ecosystems at risk Query using BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer: Conservation Framework / /