Women in Agriculture Educators Conference March 25, 2010 Chris Wilson, AAW President
National organization started in 1974 Includes 55 state and commodity affiliate organizations Vision: We are a force for truth, a reasoned, non-partisan voice for the agriculture community to the public Major focus areas: education, communications, ag issues and serving members
Networking Mentoring Skills development Risk management education Leadership development
Risk management education with Canadian and Mexican farm women Canadian Agri-Business women association forming Meeting October 13, 2010, in Guelph, ON WOMEN IN AGRI-BUSINESS SYMPOSIUM Springfield Golf & Country Club 2054 Gordon St. Guelph, ON (519)
Registration Form Cost: $ per person before September 10, 2010 ~ $ per person after September 10, The registration fee includes meeting materials, lunch and coffee breaks. Make cheques payable to Women in Agri-Business Symposium Mail to: Fitzgerald & Co., 39 William Street, Elmira, ON N3B 1P3 or Fax: Please do not phone in registrations; registration is complete upon receipt of fee. Name: ________________________________________ Check here if receipt required: Company: _____________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ Your fax or ______________________________ Dietary Concerns/Food Allergies ________________________________________
Proposed Agenda 8:30 a.m. Registration and coffee 9:00 a.m. Welcome and opening remarks 9:15 a.m. “Women in Business: A political perspective”, The Honourable Helena Guergis, Minister of State for the Status of Women and Member of Parliament for Simcoe-Grey 9:55 a.m. “American Agri-Women”, Chris Wilson, President and Marcie Williams, Past President 10:20 a.m. Break 10:40 a.m. “Qualities of an Effective Business Leader” Kellie Garrett, Senior VP, Strategy, Knowledge and Reputation, Farm Credit Canada 11:20 a.m. “Advocacy and Policy Making”, Catherine Swift, Canadian Federation of Independent Business 12:00 p.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. “Time Management – Work: Life Balance” Deb Loyd, Owner, Deb Loyd and Company 1:45 p.m. “Inter-Generational Similarities can Power Organizations”, Carly O’Brien, The Achievement Centre 2:30 p.m. Break 2:45 p.m. “How to Mentor the Next Generation of Business Leaders”, Jill Malleck, Epiphany at Work 3:30 p.m. “What Makes a Successful Business?” Jasmin Hofer, Energrow Inc. 4:15 p.m. Closing comments and wrap-up 4:30 p.m. Adjourn
Airing nationwide to 35 million homes on Dish and Directv Will be live streamed & available on internet anytime Beginning May 3, 2010
Begin April 10, 2010, with property rights, use of social media and agriculture advocacy sessions live from Denver Allow participant interaction We are in remote locations but can be brought closer together through use of technology
Sponsored an education track at the first show in January 2010 January 2011, Atlanta, GA National Risk Management Conference for women
19 AAW Co-location of National Risk Management Conference for Women in Agriculture Benefits to Conference Attendees – Take advantage of AG CONNECT Expo’s offerings Latest ag innovations – inputs, equipment, services – from around the world Tours of local ag operations 25+ educational breakout sessions including the Networking Zone Farm Journal Workshops 8+ free sessions in Successful Farming’s Theater on the show floor Town Hall session (in the works for 2011) Free AG CONNECT Expo Preview Day Admission (a $50 value) Join industry leaders – executives, top producers and international guests from around the world – at the exclusive VIP Reception
Chris Wilson, President American Agri-Women 2103 Zeandale Road Manhattan, KS cell