Seminar Crowd Simulation
The Article The Problem Previous work The method Experiments Conclusions
Arno Kamphuis Mark Overmars Published in 2004
The units i ∈ [1,n] need to reach a goal area from a start area without colliding with the environment and with each other, while at the same time they must stay together as a coherent group. The goal is reached when all units are within the goal area.
Flocking Grid searching (A*) Potential Field Methods Deformable group shape + Potential Field Probabilistic Roadmap Method PRM+Flocking Dynamic Structuring
Compute a backbone path for a single unit The corridor is defined around the backbone Units will move along the backbone using attraction points The distance between attraction points for the different units is limited, guaranteeing coherance.
Latitudinal distance Longitudinal distance
We used Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2002 with the C++ programming language. All experiments were run on a Pentium IV 2.4 Ghz computer with 1 Gb RAM running Microsoft Windows XP.
Good performance Control over the area with A and the maximum width with c No units of different sizes No Elipsoids No obstacles allowed in the backbone path. Interaction with multiple groups