Gateway to the Future
Purpose of a Topic Topicality in Practice Topicality on the Space Topic
- Fair Starting point for the debate -Aff Ground -Neg Ground
Topicality as a Tactic Topicality as a Strategy
Topicality as a Tactic (Time-tradeoff) Disadvantages ◦ Annoys Certain Judges ◦ Trades off with other better arguments Advantages ◦ Uses Aff Time ◦ Possible 2NR option
Advantages ◦ Directs aff towards your neg strats ◦ Clear research Disadvantages ◦ Telegraph your strategy
Interpretation Violation Reasons to Prefer Voting Issues
Vision of the Topic ◦ What should debate look like on this topic? ◦ Examples of Cases that meet your interp. Evidence Based ◦ Contextual ◦ Non-Arbitrary ◦ Not Over-limited
Specifically crafted (for the aff) ◦ Based in your evidence Don’t exclude Mainstream affs ◦ Not Over broad
Focus of Topicality Debate ◦ Predictable (w/in the Lit) Preparation ◦ Education (Topic Specific) External Benefit of Debate ◦ Ground (Generic and Case Specific) Preserves competitive equity
Why is Topicality a Voting Issue? ◦ Jurisdiction Cart before the Horse ◦ Procedural Burden ◦ Competitive Enterprise of Debate
Most Objective? ◦ Fairness Deters Small Affs ◦ Education Purpose of Debate ◦ Evolution of Argument (Truth)
Extra T ◦ Whole Plan has to be Topical FX T ◦ What does it mean to be Topical by effects? Vacuum Test
We meet Counter-Interpretation Reasons to Prefer Reasonability
Purpose of a we meet? ◦ Defense to their offense IE, the Aff is predictable Not Just “we meet their interp”
Mirrors Interp requirements Vision of the Topic ◦ What should debate look like on this topic? ◦ Examples of Cases that meet your interp. (not just yours) Evidence Based ◦ Contextual ◦ Non-Arbitrary ◦ Not Under-limited
Aff Flex Predictable Literature
More accurately “Competing Interps Bad” ◦ Good is Good Enough
Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its exploration and/or development of space beyond the Earth’s mesosphere. Key phrases ◦ “exploration of space” ◦ “development of space” ◦ “beyond the Earth’s mesosphere”
More limited than development ◦ “Exploration” refers to space activities toward the Moon, Mars, or NEOs --- this excludes the outer Solar System and beyond and satellites in Earth’s orbit
Aff Inclusive definitions ◦ SBSP ◦ Re-usable Launch Vehicles ◦ Communication Satellites Neg Limits ◦ Not Military Affs (Peaceful)
“Beyond” means outside the limits of Collins 9 (Collins English Dictionary Unabridged, “beyond”, -- prep 1. at or to a point on the other side of; at or to the further side of: beyond those hills there is a river 2. outside the limits or scope of: beyond this country's jurisdiction Mesosphere is 50 miles out WC 11 (Weather Channel – Weather Glossary, “M”, MESOSPHERE The layer of the atmosphere located between the stratosphere and the ionosphere, wheretemperatures drop rapidly with increasing height. It extends between 31 and 50 miles (17 to 80 kilometers) above the earth's surface.