Sustaining and embedding innovations to achieve institutional enhancement in learning and teaching. Peter Bullen & Peter Chatterton – Critical Friends Rebecca Galley (Open University – OULDI Project) Maria Papaefthimiou (University of Reading – OULDI Project) Mark Russell (University of Hertfordshire – ESCAPE Project) Paul Bartholomew (Birmingham City University - T-SPARC project) Marion Manton (University of Oxford – CASCADE project) Catherine O’Donnell (University of Ulster – Viewpoints project) An output from the JISC Transforming Curriculum Delivery through Technology programme Transforming Curriculum Delivery through Technology programme and Institutional Approaches to Curriculum Design programme.Institutional Approaches to Curriculum Design programme
Workshop Format Introduction: Sustaining and Embedding Innovations: A Good Practice Guide ( Subgroups: Plenary: Feedback on “enablers” and “barriers” for achieving institutional enhancement Rebecca Galley (OU - OULDI) Maria Papaefthimiou (Reading - OULDI) Paul Bartholomew (Birmingham City - T-SPARC ) Mark Russell (Hertfordshire – ESCAPE) Catherine O’Donnell (Ulster – Viewpoints) Marion Manton (Oxford – CASCADE ) 1 2
Sustaining and Embedding Innovations: A Good Practice Guide Initially developed as an output from JISC programmes: Transforming Curriculum Delivery through Technology Institutional Approaches to Curriculum Design Aims to support innovation projects in: ensuring benefits/outputs can be sustained beyond the life of the project embedding benefits/outputs into institutional and/or sector practice contributing towards institutional enhancement
Rationale for the Guide Rational for the Guide A changing economic and funding climate A need to better balance: – institutions experiencing innovation projects – learning from others – making better use of sector resources Increasing focus at all levels on: – return on investment – institutional enhancement – cost/benefits – collaboration/sharing
PROJECT/PILOTINSTITUTIONSECTOR(S) Embedding Cascading Barriers Enablers Changing people & culture Simple change approaches e.g. student mentors Visioning and scenario planning Communications & stakeholder engagement Institutional change management techniques Internal communities of practice Influencing organisational change Continuous improvement approaches Change agents and champions Partnership working Embedding or aligning innovations Aligning with institutional goals, drivers and needs Embedding in strategies Embedding in processes and systems Focusing on impact and returns on investment Creating useable tools and resources Open approaches to sustainability OERs Open source software Open standards Communities SIGs (Special Interest Groups) - sector driven and practitioner “owned” Communities of practice Open development communities Subject centres Capacity-building/benefits realisation Collaboration consortia (OLTF) Shared services Commercial/entrepreneurial approaches Resistance to innovation Lack of appreciation of future educational scenarios Innovators don’t make good “embedders” Structures, processes & resources for embedding Mind-sets: innovation projects have an end-date! Lack of project sustaining/embedding plan “Not invented here” Insufficient “motivators” & resources Increasing competition
Towards institutional enhancement Continuous Improvement for Institutional Enhancement Innovation project(s) Planning Impact evaluation Reflection, review (& benchmarking)
Feedback & discussion forum
Sub-group format (40 minutes) Brief Introductions to the projects Discussions on “enablers” and “barriers” for sustainability, embedding and institutional enhancement 1 2
Sub-group Projects Oxford - CASCADE The Cascade project aims to use technology to enable the Department for Continuing Education to respond better to the challenges created by the government’s ELQ policy. OU/Reading – OULDI Our aim is to develop and implement a methodology for learning design composed of tools, practice and other innovation that both builds upon, and contributes to, existing academic and practitioner research. Herts – ESCAPE The ESCAPE project will respond to Institutional and National concerns regarding assessment and feedback. Ulster – Viewpoints Viewpoints is working on a suite of reflective tools for university staff, underpinned by cutting-edge educational theories, to help inspire innovative curriculum design. Birmingham City – T-SPARC Technology-Supported Processes for Agile and Responsive Curricula. 12
Plenary Feedback on enablers and barriers for achieving institutional enhancement