The Dime You Save Will Cost $1. Using Computers and Sensors to Curb Electricity Use in Buildings UC San Diego Computer Scientists Propose Novel Solution to Reduce HVAC Power Consumption April 13, 2011 By Doug Ramsey
The Dime You Save Will Cost $1. What Equipment is needed: Thermostat PIR Sensor Reed Switch Wireless module Sheeva Plug Base Station How Will it Work? Deploying sensors and switches to each office to detect human presence. Upon detecting no human presence, it will turn the HVAC system off. What is proposed: Using sensors and computers to control HVAC systems.
The Dime You Save Will Cost $1. Ethical Issue: Is it right to try to spend research dollars on something that will cost too much to improve the process. The process is not good on HVAC equipment. Constantly starting and stopping equipment will wear it out faster Separate HVAC units required. People involved: Researchers-would of course love to see this work Office workers- worried that their tax dollars are being wasted Investors- want a return on their investment Possible Outcomes: Failure: money wasted on research Success: money saved. Investors happy Solution combined with existing methods and streamlined
The Dime You Save Will Cost $1. What I would Choose: I would actually choose to not implement the new system just for the fact that the amount of equipment necessary and the wear and tear of that equipment. Also the money spent will outweigh the money saved. What does the ACM Code say? This is covered under the More Specific Professional Responsibilities 2-4 Accept and provide appropriate professional review Whenever appropriate, individual members should seek and utilize peer review as well as provide critical review of the work of others (Barger)
The Dime You Save Will Cost $1. Conclusion: Although the Ethical issue is not blatant and screams injustice, there is still evidence that the researchers may not be acting in the best interests of the public who use the building.