* Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation 16/07/96 COLCIENCIAS Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation *
* 16/07/96 WHAT IS COLCIENCIAS? It is the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation. This Agency of Colombian government formulates, guides, coordinates, executes and implements the science, the technology and the innovation policies in accordance with its development plans and programs. *
* 16/07/96 OVERALL OBJETIVES 1 Create a culture based on the generation, appropriation, and popularization of knowledge, and also on scientific research, innovation, and an on-going learning process. 2 Define the policies to formulate annually a National Plan of Science, Technology, and Innovation. 3 Ground and favor the projection and strategic insertion of Colombia in the dynamics of the international system, which incorporate knowledge and innovation, and also generate possibilities and emerging challenges aimed at the development of the countries and their international relationships within the frame of the global society of knowledge. *
* 16/07/96 OVERALL OBJETIVES 4 Articulate and enrich not only research, but also the scientific- technological development, and innovation in the private sector, especially in the productive sector. 5 Foster the strengthening of the scientific, technological capacity in innovation, competitiveness, and undertaking, as well as the formation of researchers in Colombia. 6 Promote the development and the insertion of science, and its basic and applied contents, in the technological and innovative development, if such development has to do with the update and improvement of the quality in formal and non-formal education. *
* 16/07/96 OVERALL OBJETIVES 7 Integrate efforts of the different sectors and actors in order to promote strategic areas of knowledge for the development of the country in the fields of basic, social, and human sciences, in accordance with the priorities defined in the National Plan of Development. 8 Strengthen the regional development by means of Departmental Council Meetings about Science, technology, and Innovation, and also by means of integral, innovative policies of a very positive impact, for the decentralization of scientific, technological, and innovation projects, integrating such regional development with the international dynamics. 9 Define and align processes for the definition of priorities, assignation, articulation, and optimization of all kinds of resources aimed at science, technology, innovation, and their results; such as undertaking and competitiveness. *
* 16/07/96 OVERALL OBJETIVES 10 Strengthen the capacity of the country to show an integral behavior in the international sphere in aspects concerning science, technology, and innovation. 11 Promote and strengthen inter cultural investigation, in agreement with the indigenous communities, their authorities and elderly men; such agreement is aimed at protecting cultural diversity, biodiversity, traditional knowledge, and genetic resources. *
MAIN AREAS THAT ARE FUNDED * 16/07/96 MAIN AREAS THAT ARE FUNDED Colciencias funds research projects in science, technology and innovation, located in eleven national programs: Health Sea Biotechnology Environment Basic Science Education Social and Human Sciences Agricultural Sciences Industrial Technology Development Information Technology Energy and Mining *
TYPES OF FUNDING TO SUPPORT PROJECTS * 16/07/96 TYPES OF FUNDING TO SUPPORT PROJECTS Colciencias provides four different modes of funding in accordance with the nature, objectives and outcomes of the project: Recovery contingent Mandatory reimbursement of the loan Cofounding Mixed financing *
* 16/07/96 WEB PAGE http://www.colciencias.gov.co/ *