THE GOSPELS EXPLAINED The Story of the Good News Revealed to the World
Who is John Mark? According to Apostle John, Mark became the Interpreter for Apostle Peter Cousin of Barnabas, son of a wealthy family, traveled with Paul and Barnabas 1 Peter 5:13 Col 4:10 Acts 13:5 Acts 12:12-14 Acts 13:13 2 Tim 4:11 Mark’s writing was episodic “Writing down single points” “Mark recorded Peter’s recollections and was striving for accuracy but not a tightly connected, strictly chronological narrative.”
The Kerygmatic Activity of Jesus Begins “Producing a short, pithy, but intense manual for missionary work as well as for teaching and Christian instruction that calls for absolute commitment to Christ and to preaching his gospel, no matter what the cost may be in suffering.” Beginning of Jesus’ Proclamation Mark 1:14-15
Supernatural Nature of Jesus Mark 1:1Mark 9:1-8
Jesus: The Servant of All Jesus is the proclaimer – He has come to teach what people need to know about God. Jesus is depicted as a worker of miracles with power over disease and demons. Jesus gives his apostles (and today, US) the authority over disease and demons and then send us out AS THEY PREACHED. Mark 6:12-13 Mark 4:1-12 Mark 4:13-20 Mark 9:14-29
John Mark’s Understanding of Faith "These are some of the signs that will accompany believers: They will throw out demons in my name, they will speak in new tongues, they will take snakes in their hands, they will drink poison and not be hurt, they will lay hands on the sick and make them well.“ Christian confession with intensely personal commitment and trust. Mark sets forth a narrative that invites the readers to a suffering discipleship based on Jesus’ walk from baptism to the cross. Mark 16:15-20
HOMEWORK QUESTIONS: Review Questions: Chapter 5 - #1 – 10 16x9 4x3