OpenStreetMap How to contribute and Use 15 April
What is OpenStreetMap? How to Use. How to contribute to. How to monitor and moderate changes. How to use externally. How it's changing things.
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Tools Services Open data people!
Coase's Penguin. Fun / rewarding Commons based peer production Small pieces 5 mins Easy to use these peices Yochai Benkler ---->
240,000 users 14,000 classed as active OpenGeoData vs. closed data.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you...
then you win
then we all win OS Streetview Meridian2 VectorMap District Boundary Line 1: Scale Gazetteer MiniScale CodePoint Open Strategi Land-Form PANORAMA 1: Scale Colour Raster OS Locator
Corunna, Spain
Reader & Writer
Others too! Cadcorp Manifold
Rss feeds of changesets
.shp Buildings Natural Places Points Roads Railways Waterways
Mapnik.....OS OpenSpace + OSM
Other Use – for Humanitarian purposes - for crisis mapping
HAITI What we did in Haiti changed disaster response forever. Jeffery Johnson
Satellite and aerial imagery was made available. Volunteers marshalled that imagery and made it usable. Volunteers traced the imagery into OSM. Volunteers prepared extracts of OSM for reuse.
For the first time ever we now have a set of conditions where individuals from the comfort and safety of their own home can literally help other people save lives in a disaster zone by contributing to OSM & Ushahidi Schuyler Erle UN “Would have taken tens of thousands of pounds and years to do. OSM took 3 weeks.”
Tools Services Open data
And people.