SuperDARN Workshop May 30 – June PI Report Mark Lester On behalf of the SuperDARN PIs
SuperDARN Workshop May 30 – June Agenda/Outline PIs agreement Development of software and hardware Modes – especially Common Mirroring of the APL web site
SuperDARN Workshop May 30 – June PIs agreement Following an initial revision of the agreement, we carefully went through the draft identifying critical elements Now in a position to complete the revision which will be made available soon after the workshop Some critical elements of the agreement will be changed Most important change will be the data policy which will become a fully open policy for Common time data Also Discretionary and Special time data will be available to whole community after one year
SuperDARN Workshop May 30 – June Pis Agreement (contd) Plan to introduce a new Guest Investigator programme for SuperDARN This will enable wider users to access SuperDARN by proposing new radar modes, by provision of new technical developments, or by using the data in specific ways Set up an Advisory Board to advise on directions and developments of the Network
SuperDARN Workshop May 30 – June Radar Hardware and software Long discussion about how we as a community maintain our software and ensure that all radars produce compatable data products Clearly important that we take advantage of technology developments to improve our radars Last few years has seen significant changes in both hardware and software that have been difficult to track The radar audit is a first step in making sure that we understand what is available and where Introduce a small working party to look at the processes by which we introduce new radar hardware and also how this will impact on the software Have asked Kile to chair this following his retirement later in the year Two other members one of whom will be Tim Yeoman while the other is to be confirmed
SuperDARN Workshop May 30 – June Common Time We discussed Common Time Mike Ruohoniemi has drafted an initial suggestion with the aim of making the radar mode we operate as flexible as possible Important to retain a minimum set of requirements, however, to ensure future compatibility across the network This will be agreed as part of the final discussion on the PI agreement over the next few weeks
SuperDARN Workshop May 30 – June Mirroring of APL Web Site We also discussed how we might make the data available more easily Agreed that one way was to mirror the APL web site Mechanisms for this will be investigated over the next 12 months
SuperDARN Workshop May 30 – June Future Meetings No discussion at the PI meeting Next year will be hosted by Hongqaio Hu in China Following announcement, J-P has offered to host the 2013 meeting somewhere in Canada (not at a radar site!) Ermanno also offered but this was contingent on decisions about Dome-C Suggest that we hold the 2013 meeting on Canada with Italy to host in 2014 if Dome-C radar(s) are deployed.
SuperDARN Workshop May 30 – June Summary Thanks again to our Dartmouth hosts who have done a wonderful job of organising the meeting It has been an excellent meeting with good debate, discussion and progress See you all next year!