Collaborating with Writers Useful notes from Rude, Carolyn. Technical Editing, 4 th ed.
Writers tend to have subject matter knowledge, editors are experts in procedure. Relationships fail because of: Poor writing and editing; Poor management; and Oversized egos
1. Participate early Agree on project goals Set expectations for development Agree on levels of interaction Agree on writer/editor jobs and expectations
2. Clarify expectations Make guidelines available beforehand Alert writers to house style manuals Make all necessary information readily available. Agree about readers, purpose, level of polish, length, etc. Set a schedule Public Understanding of Science House Style Manual
3. Work with the writer throughout development Plan for ongoing review Allows for on-the-fly edits
4. Don’t surprise the writer Let the writer know the depth of editing BEFORE they encounter your editing marks Call/write the writer in advance in discuss anything potentially problematic
5. Be Prompt Require of yourself the same level of professionalism you expect from your writer(s)