is a term that applies to computer- simulated environments that can simulate places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds.
forms of virtual reality › Most are visual › Some are displayed on computer screen or displays › some include sensory information Speakers Headphones
Users can interact with a virtual environment or a virtual artifact either through the use of standard input devices such as: › a keyboard and mouse, › multimodal devices such as a wired glove › the Polhemus, and › omnidirectional treadmills.
The stimulated environments in virtual reality are used in 2 main ways › Games › Training for combat
Sound and sight have been capable of high quality stimulation. Sound is a stimulation they are working on. › This is going to help treat Post Traumatic Stress disorder in soldiers › In Japan they are working on an virtual odor that will attract customers to restaurants.
Book states that virtual reality will lead to many changes in daily life › Techniques will be developed to influence human behavior Interpersonal communication Cognition
Pygmalion's Spectacles by Stanley G. Weinbaum Simulacron-3, by Daniel F. Galouye Kilobyte by Piers Anthony
Star Trek: The Animated Series The Deadly Assassin Red Dwarf The World
Research fields in which virtual reality is being explored are › Physical medicine › Rehabilitation › Physical therapy › Occupational therapy Exposure therapy › Treats zoophobia and acrophobia with lifelike reality
First man ever to create virtual reality works of art in the 1970s was David Em. Another virtual reality artist was Jeffery Shaw. His works included › Legible City (1989) › Virtual Museum (1991) › Golden Calf (1994).