DECOMPILING ANDROID Godfrey Nolan 1DevDay 11/5/11
Intro What is a Decompiler? Why Android? Decompilers Protect Yourself Raising the Bar
What is a Decompiler Reverse Engineers apps into source code Many languages can be decompiled Java, C#, VB.Net., Visual Basic Others can only be disassembled C, C++, Objective-C Java and.Net particularly at risk Because of JVM and CLR design Why use decompilers? Curiosity, Hacking, Learning, Fair Use
Why Java Exploits JVM Design Originally interpreted not compiled Lots more symbolic information than binaries Data and method separation Simple classfile structure Very few opcodes
Why Java
Classfile { intmagic, short minor_version, short major_version, shortconstant_pool_count, cp_infoconstant_pool[constant_pool_count], shortaccess_flags, shortthis_class, shortsuper_class, shortinterfaces_count, interface_infointerfaces[interfaces_count], shortfields_count, field_infofields[field_count], shortmethods_count, method_infomethods[methods_count], shortattribute_count, attr_infoattributes[attributes_count] }
Why Java
Why Android Client side code Easy access to apk’s Download apk to sd card using Astro File Mgr Download from xdadevelopers forum Download using ‘adb pull’ on jailbroken phone Nobody is using obfuscation 1 out of 20 apks downloaded were protected Easy to convert apk to Java to decompile
Why Android
java –jar dex2jar.jar jd-gui
Why Android Dex file Different structure Different opcodes Register based not stack based Multiple JVMs on device
Why Android
Why not iPhone? Objective-C Compiled not interpreted Much less information Fat binaries approach Can still be disassembled strings and otool unix commands Other tools like IDA Pro
Why Android Jailbreak/Root phone Use Z4Root Uses RageAgainstTheCage Trojan exploit Not available on Android Marketplace ;-) Using Android SDK platform tools Turn on USB debugging Find apk using adb shell Download using adb pull
Why Android
Even easier is the apk-tool Install APK-tool Download apk Right click
Decompilers Jive Mocha JAD SourceAgain JD-GUI
Possible Exploits Web Service API keys exposed Database logins Credit Card information Fake apps
Possible Exploits
public static final String USER_NAME = "BC7E9322-0B6B-4C28B4"; public static final String PASSWORD = "waZawuzefrabru96ebeb";
Protect Yourself Protect code before releasing Hard to recover once it’s been made available Obfuscators ProGuard DashO Native Code Use C++ and JNI 99.99% of Android devices run on ARM processor Use digital signature checking to protect lib
Protect Yourself ProGuard: Detects and removes unused classes, fields, methods, and attributes. Optimizes bytecode and removes unused instructions. Renames remaining classes, fields, and methods using short meaningless names. Preverifies the processed code for Java. Enable in files proguard.config=proguard.cfg
Protect Yourself DashO (basic): Improvement over ProGuard's naming by using strange characters and heavily reusing the same names at different scopes. Does much more involved control flow obfuscation than ProGuard, reordering code operations to make them very difficult to understand and often breaking decompilers. Supports string encryption to render important string data unreadable to attackers.
Protect Yourself DashO (advanced): Supports tamper detection, handling, and reporting to prevent users from changing the compiled code, even while debugging, and to alert you if it happens. Can automatically inject Preemptive's Runtime Intelligence functionality for remote error reporting.
Protect Yourself DashO demo
Protect Yourself - Decompiled
Protect Yourself - ProGuard
Protect Yourself – DashO
Protect Yourself – JNI jstring Java_com_getPassword(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz) { char *password = “waZawuzefrabru96ebeb”; return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, password); }
Protect Yourself – JNI
Links format-revealed.html format-revealed.html
Raising the Bar APK’s are available Tools are easy to use Turn on ProGuard Investigate other obfuscators Hide keys using JNI Don’t put sensitive information unencrypted in APKs
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