All Saints Day Prayer (Lit. of the Hours) Father, All-Powerful and ever-living God, today we rejoice in the holy men and women of every time and place. May their prayers bring us your forgiveness and love We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Announcements HW: Finish Review Worksheets Exam on Tuesday November 10 th !! Christmas Cards Pray for Brittany Palmer
Chapter 4 Concluded Chapter 5
St. Hilary Latin Church Father Athanasius of the West Fought Arianism Heretics: followers of Christianity who were trying to explain the same ideas, but in different terms
St. Basil the Great Community life is essential Teachings = Greek Church legislation Father of Eastern Monasticism Fought Arianism “if people only took what they needed, there would be no rich or poor.”
St. Basil Worked for clerical rights Saw that Priests were properly trained Provided for the spiritual and material needs of the laity Built a social system of hospitals and social service institutions Divine Liturgy
St. Gregory of Nazianzus Five Theological Orations = Third person of the Trinity Against Arianism “Gregory Bishop”
St. Gregory of Nyssa Became monk after wife died On Virginity Attacked Arianism/ “Theotokos”
Pope St. Leo the Great d. 461 Consolidated Papal Power (NT) Gained Papal Jurisdiction (West) “First Pope”(modern)
St. Augustine of Hippo Mother = Christian Father = pagan Studied Law Student of rhetoric (Cicero) Manichaeists
St. Augustine of Hippo Found Difficult: - The Bible - Origin of Evil Left Manichaeism after questions went unanswered
St. Augustine “ My heart will not rest until it rests in You.”
Augustine’s Most Important Works City of God Confessions
CHAPTER 5 Light in the Dark Ages
PART I The Collapse of the Roman Empire
The Fall of Rome Began in 410 AD Empire NOT completely Christianized Loss of civil system Rome fell to the Barbarians
The Barbarians: Brought primitive justice/ Religion Lacked moral codes Social understanding countered the Church’s
Fall of Rome: Impact on the Church No scholarship = illiteracy Roads became unsafe = stop to evangelization Primitive religious practices = Christians began to act (again) like pagans
Church Structure Modeled after the Empire Christianity and Empire = intertwined Barbarian invasions changed these views
Germanic Tribes
The Germanic Tribes Diverse/ divided culture Same language Agrarian Society Encouraged by Romans to settle along the boarder of Rome
The Goths Visigoths/ Ostrogoths First to invade the Empire
Ulphilas: Apostle to the Goths Translated Bible into Gothic Ordained Bishop Converted Goths/Vandals to Arianism
The Franks Clovis (Chieftain) First to convert to Christianity
The Huns Ruthless/ferocious Took Romans/Germanic Tribes by surprise
Attila the Hun “The Scourge of God” Brave warrior Skilled Diplomat Ruthless Left Rome after meeting Pope St. Leo
Church’s Interpretation of Barbarian Invasions: Church is Universal Established independence from Rome Had to alter evangelization techniques Monasticism = access to the people
Christian Attitudes Towards the Barbarian Invasions: Discouraged Christ was about to Return Just punishment for their sins
PART II The Rise of Monasticism
Monasticism Prayer Self-denial Seclusion from the world Living under a fixed rule with professed vows
Monastic Communities Withdrew from the world in order to seek God through asceticism and silence. Asceticism: life characterized by the absence of worldly pleasures
Two Types of Monasticism: Eremitical: hermit Cenobitical: community life
St. Paul of Thebes First Hermit Anchorite (solitary monk) Desert Father (wanted to be inaccessible)
St. Anthony Gave away all possessions “do not be anxious about tomorrow” (Matthew 6:34) Offered self as a martyr to Diocletian Fled further into the desert (solitude) Athanasius: Biography
Monasteries Served As: A source of great spiritual strength Seminaries for priests and bishops Centers of evangelization to the barbarian tribes
The Effect of Monasteries on Europe: Recovery and evangelization of rural society Intellectual Civilization
St. Benedict: The “Patriarch of Western Monasticism” Desert Monk Abbot Great Healer Organized monasteries
Benedictine Rule Chanting the Psalms and reading prayers in the community (four hours) Private Prayer and Scriptural reading (four hours) Physical Labor (six hours) Meals and sleep (ten hours)
Pope St. Gregory The Great Last of Latin Doctors Abbot Deacon of Rome Nuncio Pope – made peace with Lombards without consent
PART III The Rise of Islam
Islam Muhammed/ Archangel Gabriel Hagar (Ishmael)
Five Pillars of Islam The Shahada Prayer Zakah: (alms) The Hajj: Mecca Ramadan