week 4, tuesday, feb 2 Stipek, D. (2002). Chapter 1, Profiles of motivation problems. the one five o
assignments Change of reading alert! Brophy, J. (2010). Chapter 5. Rebuilding Discouraged Students' Confidence and Willingness to Learn (in ANGEL, not course pack) Inquiry 1 Begin analysis of interviews. Review guidelines for good analysis Arrange follow-up interviews Test audio the one five o
analyzing data consider guidelines on handout the one five o
special guests 4-7 students from China will join our class during Module 2 We are their hosts; they are our guests and colleagues dents.htm dents.htm the one five o
deborah stipek Developmental psychologist Dean, Stanford University School of Education “Teachers can motivate students only if they themselves are motivated. They can make students feel valued and secure only if they feel valued and secure; they can foster enthusiasm for learning in students only if they are enthusiastic about teaching. The school culture can make or break a teacher in the same way that the classroom culture can support or undermine students' efforts to learn." the one five o
profiles in motivation Stipek’s general profiles of motivation may give the impression that… students’ motivation in all school situations is similar students’ motivation is of one kind or another, rather than a combination of one or more the one five o
profiles in motivation Defensive Dick Hopeless Hannah Safe Sally Satisfied Sam Anxious Amy the one five o
characteristics of motivation The nature of motivation can be described by its: behaviors emotions cognition How can each profile be described in these terms? the one five o
seeing better One tends to see what one knows first-hand Just because you’re familiar with it, doesn’t mean you see clearly To modify, Stipek’s statement, A teacher must be able to understand their own motivation in order to understand their students’ motivation.” the one five o
seeing your own motivation What does the way you spend your time and the things that concern you with school work reveal about your motivation? Try to see without evaluating. Extremely difficult to do because your ego wants to protect itself e.g., Inquiry 1 project the one five o
experiencing hannah t0 t0 the one five o
title the one five o