ALSA Conference (Melbourne) – 16 th July GENERAL OVERVIEW/UPDATE
WHAT IS CONFERENCE? 500+ people 6 National Championships – Mooting, IHL Moot, Paper Pres, Client Interview, Witness Examination, Negotiation 3 Australian Legal Education Forums Council meeting + AGM + elections 2 Gala dinners, 2 theme nights, pub crawl etc
Who is the conference team? Convenor – Victoria – Monash Pres 2010 Director of Finance – Charlie – Deakin Pres 2010 Treasurer – Owen – Deakin Pres 2012 Director of Ed/Careers – David – RMIT Pres 2011 Director of Competitions – Ryan – Monash VP (Comps) 2012 Director of Functions – Nick – Melbourne VP (JD) 2011
WHO IS HOSTING IT? All six Victorian Law Schools. Deakin La Trobe Melbourne Monash RMIT Victoria University
LOGISTICS UNIVERSITY NUMBERS – Each university will be given a number which is their “team” number for the week. – This is necessary for competitions where a judge is not permitted to know which university the competitors come from. – It also makes logistics much easier for us. Category sub-groups – Each category of delegate (Councilor, each competition and general delegate will have a sub-number. – This is the same for all universities. Example: – Adelaide Uni may be team number 1. – Councilors will be.1, championship moot.2, client interview.3 – Therefore an Adelaide University mooter will be Team 1.2 This should make it much easier for your whole team to be aware when penalties are being given or appeals launched.
LOCATIONS - HOTEL Official Accommodation Sponsor
3 people per room No shared beds! 15 minutes by tram from CBD
LOCATIONS CONT. Council & Competitions Hotel
GETTING TO CONFERENCE Fights – sponsorship Will be confirming this over summer. If this doesn’t occur, we will let you know with as much notice as possible. In such instance we STRONGLY encourage you to book your flights early as you will be able to get them very cheaply. – In such case we will also use the facebook page to alert you to deals for cheap flights into Melbourne.
Conference Plan Please note that everything on the following pages is a draft and not confirmed. The following timetables are also hugely simplified so may be out by up to an hour in timelines (because the actual one looks like this ) More comprehensive timelines will be provided in April.
DAY 1 (9 th July) MONDAY TimeCouncilCompetitorGeneral Delegate 7am 8am 9amRegistration 10am 11am11.30 Briefing 12pm12.30 Comps Briefing 1pmComps Briefing 2pmComps Briefing 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pmGala Dinner 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pmAfter Party
DAY 2 (10 th July) TUESDAY TimeCouncilCompetitorGeneral Delegate 7am 8am 9amCouncilRound 1Day Trip 10am 11am 12pm 1pmLunch 2pmCouncilRound 2 3pm 4pm 5pmALEF 6pm 7pm 8pmCocktail Fundraiser* 9pm 10pm 11pm
DAY 3 (11 th July) WEDNESDAY TimeCouncilCompetitorGeneral Delegate 7am 8am8.30 Round 3 9amCouncilDay Trip 10am 11am 12pmLunch 1pmCouncilRound 4? 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pmALEF 6pm 7pm 8pmCocktail Evening 9pmComps Announced 10pm 11pmAfter Party
DAY 4 (12 th July) THURSDAY TimeCouncilCompetitorGeneral Delegate 7amEquity Breakfast* 8am 9amCouncilOcto Final? 10am10.30 Workshops 11am 12pmALEF 1pm 2pmCouncilWorkshops 3pm 4pmQuarter Finals 5pmCareers Fair/Networking 6pm 7pm 8pmComps Announced 9pmPub Crawl 10pm 11pm
DAY 5 (13 th July) FRIDAY TimeCouncilCompetitorGeneral DelegateAlumni 7am 8am 9am 10am 11amSports Day Sporty Day 12pm 1pmLunch 2pmSports Day 3pm 4pm4.30 Speakers Forum 5pm 6pmDelegation Dinner Alumni Dinner 7pm7.30 Theme Night 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm
DAY 6 (14 th July) SATURDAY TimeCouncilCompetitorGeneral DelegateAlumni 7am 8am 9amAGMSemi FinalsWorkshops 10am 11amAlumni Day Trip 12pm 1pmLunch 2pmAGMWorkshops 3pm 4pmAlumni Event 5pmSpeakers Forum 6pm 7pm 8pmTheme Night 9pm 10pm 11pmAfter Party
DAY 7 (15 th July) SUNDAY TimeCouncilCompetitorGeneral DelegateAlumni 7am 8am 9amGrand Finals 10am 11am 12pm 1pmLunch 2pmGrand Finals 3pm 4pm 5pmAlumni Pre Drinks 6pm 7pmGala Dinner 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pmAfter Party
DAY 8 (16 th July) MONDAY TimeCouncilCompetitorGeneral Delegate 7am 8am 9am 10am 11amCheck out 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm
PRE-CONFERENCE EVENTS Saturday – AFL* Sunday – Drinks event* Aim: Where possible we would like to encourage as many delegates to get into Melbourne early. This will assist in easing the crush on Monday, while also allow people the chance to see Melbourne. It is therefore anticipated that social events and day trips will be organised for the whole weekend.
MARKETING – O WEEK VITAL that we are heavily promoted during O Week, particularly to first years. To this end it is anticipated that registration will be open from this early stage to capitalise on the hype created in the first few weeks of university. Where possible we would like to have representatives at each law school wearing Conference tshirts or the like and actively promoting ALSA, ALSA Conference and also assisting gaining interest for the home LSS.
MARKETING – O WEEK It would be very helpful if during this time you could also encourage as many students as possible to ‘like’ the facebook page. We will be working with ALSA to jointly promote ALSA and Conference during this time.
PROMOTION Social Media – Please ‘like’ – Please also then share on your LSS page – Please on twitter On Campus Representation – One representative from every university s and posters On campus events
CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS Starts NOW! Based on the original Daily Dirt but on steroids. ANYTHING can count towards points provided the Conference team consider it worthy. Things which will particularly count towards points include marketing of ALSA Conference at your local LSS… take photos, post them on facebook and watch the points roll in. Inspired by Harry Potter points, there will be a tally on the website showing which universities are sitting at the top of the table.
CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS cont. Sports day and careers fair attendance will also be an easy get for points! Boutique universities will not be disadvantaged! We will pay appropriate attention to the % of delegation involved. Finally, mega points will be awarded where delegations turn up to theme nights in appropriate levels of costumes, particularly if they match. Check out AMSA on fb and google if you don’t understand the levels expected (hint: more body paint, less clothing).
REGISTRATION Will be open from O week Please register sooner rather than later Will be able to ghost register for competitions GDs, unless registering through an LSS initiative will be charged the full amount upon registration. Where an LSS is seeking to subsidise – please come and chat to us ASAP so we can sort out how payment will work. If you want it split between us we will need to know nowish while we are still putting the “shopping cart” together.
IMPORTANT DATES 1 April: Ghost registration closes (late fees imposed after this point). 10 May: Final names of competitors and councilors required (if your comp hasn’t finished by this date so you don’t have names you must give us pre-warning of this prior to 1 April). 11 June: Moot and IHL problem and draw released – Paper Presentation papers due this day also. 18 June: CI/Neg problems and draw released.
To be continued…. COMPETITIONS We will need to decide: – Release of problems – Moving the due date for submissions – 3 rounds, 4 rounds, 3 rounds + Octo, 4 rounds + Octo – Forfeiture – Grand Finals – Penalties – Number of problems to be used in the moot – Number of problems to be used in IHL – Overview of the Competitions Subcommittee and Appeals procedure.
To be continued… FINANCE